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The Eastern Echo Wednesday, March 26, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Tariq Harris

Self-Destructive Dr. Weezy

Self-Destructive Dr. Weezy

Dr. Weezy throws down with Chief Akemu, revealing his ultimate form: Cloud Mode! Bringing a close to his long and wheeze filled adventure!

Self-Destructive Dr. Weezy

Self-Destructive Dr. Weezy

The maniacal Dr. Weezy has gathered his forces to face the new threat: Chief Akemu! And both sides prepare to duke it out on the chosen final battlefield: Illia Island...

Self-Destructive Dr. Weezy

Self-Destructive Dr. Weezy

With the revival of the hero, A.C., Dr. Weezy reveals there is a new threat on the horizon: the most dangerous man in the city, Chief Akemu is aiming to take it over!

Self-Destructive Dr. Weezy

Self-Destructive Dr. Weezy

Dr. Weezy has started up a brand new project: to revive his long lost, hero for justice nephew! Will the mad scientist be successful in reviving this defender of the law?

Self-Destructive Dr. Weezy

Self-Destructive Dr. Weezy

Dr. Weezy reveals what happened to the late Dr. Sphere: he isn't actually dead! Of course, that doesn't change the fact Dr. Sphere is a DEADbeat dad...

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Renowned journalist Beimeng Fu recalls her COVID-19 reporting experience on this weeks episode of Women Journalist COVID-19 Experiences. Check out this latest episode on Spotify! Or you can listen to their full unedited conversation at the Eastern Michigan University Archive website.