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The Eastern Echo Saturday, March 22, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Parker Lazar

computer mother board

Review: A Virtual Solution to Quarantine Problems

With many of us still stuck in our homes and away from our loved ones, we’re forced to find new and creative solutions to help shorten that six-foot gap. New advancements in Virtual Reality might just help us do that, and could make future events like this much easier to bear.

EMU Student Center

Opinion: Building a better (online) college experience

Colleges and universities across this country are in the process of deciding whether or not their institutions will be open again in the fall. As more and more institutions are beginning to consider an online-only approach, certain changes need to be made to how this approach is implemented if higher education wants to survive this moment in history. 


Opinion: A Showdown for the Ages

The general election debates are just a few short months away. With so much at stake, and the nation struggling to find its way out of isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, a debate between current President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, would certainly be much-watch television. 

assorted laptops - work

Opinion: The Pandemic Gold Rush

At a time when our collective focus should be on public health, Multi-Level Marketing organizations are willing to push lies and misdirections to turn a profit. By marketing themselves as a solution to the crisis before us, they are putting thousands of American lives in jeopardy, all in pursuit of a payout. 

Mitt Romney John McCain

Opinion: Thank You, Mitt Romney

In the face of threats from his own party, Mitt Romney was willing to stand up for what he believed in. I, for one, am thankful that he did. This article is addressed directly to Romney himself as a personal “thank you.”


Opinion: Political fandom is a growing threat

Despite the seemingly unanimous agreement of the dangers of President Trump, Democratic voters are still more willing to accept a second Trump term than support a Democrat outside of their favorite candidate. The growing obsession with candidates is a dangerous sign suggesting a deeper issue within our democratic system.

Dark Sky Over US Capitol Building

Opinion: The GOP drops the facade

After 9 days of trial proceedings, Republicans are desperate to acquit the president and put the trial behind them. While they tried at first to mask their intentions, Republican Senators are now being more open and honest about how they really feel: that the president should be above the law.

Capitol Building

Opinion: Impeachment's next steps

The House of Representatives has finally drafted articles of impeachment. So where do we go from here? And who has the most to lose from this? We take a dive into the swirling cesspool that is Washington to find out.

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Renowned journalist Beimeng Fu recalls her COVID-19 reporting experience on this weeks episode of Women Journalist COVID-19 Experiences. Check out this latest episode on Spotify! Or you can listen to their full unedited conversation at the Eastern Michigan University Archive website.