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The Eastern Echo Friday, March 14, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Kaylee Lentz

The Eastern Echo

Debate could bring new videotaping policy

Eastern Michigan University had favorable reactions to a policy the University of Missouri began mulling over mid-November, indicating approval to begin requiring students to obtain written permission from professors before videotaping classroom lectures. As it stands, EMU is close behind UM in the way of making changes.

The Eastern Echo

Going home for the holidays

Undeterred by weather, a flagging economy or a spike in the price of travel, an estimated 42.5 million Americans took the skies, railways and roads to be with family and friends this Thanksgiving.

The Eastern Echo

News Briefs

Emergency test A nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System was conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday.

The Eastern Echo

Surveys examine university stats

The truth behind Eastern Michigan University students—driving forces for attendance, academic feedback, student demographics and more—was revealed by two annual, national surveys.

The Eastern Echo

Pediatricians write unnecessary prescriptions

Parents who utilize Eastern Michigan University’s Children Institute should be cautious. A new study shows American pediatricians write more than 10 million unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions each year, contributing to potentially dangerous drug resistance.

The Eastern Echo

News Briefs

The Physical Plant has begun to switch the university’s heating system. Changes have already been made in apartments and residence halls.

The Eastern Echo

Survey findings depressing

Those who voluntarily represented Eastern Michigan University in a recent, anonymous survey surpassed the average number of college students who have admittedly felt symptoms of depression at least once in their lives.

The Eastern Echo

Movie hopes to open eyes

“The Indian Schools — A Survivor’s Story,” a documentary created in part by Eastern Michigan University professor Kay McGowan, will reveal the truths of Native American boarding schools at an upcoming screening.

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Ten Thousand Villages

Ten Thousand Villages

Volunteers Sharon Ongaro and Phyllis Garral assist a customer. Every volunteer allows the store to negotiate a fair price for gifts.

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Renowned journalist Beimeng Fu recalls her COVID-19 reporting experience on this weeks episode of Women Journalist COVID-19 Experiences. Check out this latest episode on Spotify! Or you can listen to their full unedited conversation at the Eastern Michigan University Archive website.