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The Eastern Echo Wednesday, March 12, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Hannah Schwab

The Eastern Echo

Marriages should add expiration date

Marriage is a nerve-racking idea for both men and women. Men are taught to run screaming from the idea, while women are fed fairy tales of knights on white horses who will scoop them up and make every wish come true. Neither idea leaves people with a very strong idea of what they’re really getting themselves into when they say, “I do.”


Woods should focus on golfing, or leave the sport if he doesn’t

Golfer/adulterer Tiger Woods made headlines again Sunday when he graciously fielded questions from ESPN’s Tom Rinaldi about his return to the PGA and his infidelity. Can I just go on record as saying I am sick and tired of hearing about Tiger Woods? The world of sports is in the middle of NCAA March Madness, MLB spring training and about to start NHL playoffs, yet fans keep getting bombarded with the latest gossip surrounding Woods and his inability to honor his marriage vows.

20100304 Gun ban

Gun control debate flares up once again

The United States Supreme Court is once again debating our constitutional right to bear arms, an amendment that was added in 1791. The most recent debate stems from a 2008 row regarding Chicago’s law banning handguns within city limits. Even though the right to own a gun is constitutional, present debates begs the question of what the founding fathers really meant.

The Eastern Echo

Presidency: a frustrating career choice

WANTED: Male or female, preferably male, minimum 35 years old, who wants to help others. Position consists of long hours, travel, relocation, time away from the family and absolutely no privacy. Your past, present and future will become everyone’s business, so those with skeletons in the closet need not apply. Everyone around you will critique and judge everything about you, from your ethics to your razor burn. Everyone will be overanalyzing every word and hand gesture for hidden meanings. Trust no one, they are all waiting to stab you in the back while they shake your hand. You will start off wanting to leave a legacy and make changes, but none of it will come true. Everyone will know your name and your face. You will be talked about in every history and civics class from here to eternity, no matter if you succeed or fail. Interested parties should apply within.

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Renowned journalist Beimeng Fu recalls her COVID-19 reporting experience on this weeks episode of Women Journalist COVID-19 Experiences. Check out this latest episode on Spotify! Or you can listen to their full unedited conversation at the Eastern Michigan University Archive website.