We need to pay more attention to our resources
By Corson Nikkel | October 4If the entire world lived like the citizens of the United States of America, it would require nearly five earths, as cited by Patrick James of Co.EXIST.
If the entire world lived like the citizens of the United States of America, it would require nearly five earths, as cited by Patrick James of Co.EXIST.
The Huffington Post’s Lucy Sherriff comments on the fact that Ernst & Young, an international professional services firm headquartered in London, U.K., will no longer be using a college degree as a criteria for its positions.
The Houthis—a Zaidi group from Sa’dah, in Yemen—are an honorable breed of rebels. They fight for a new democratic system to represent their entire country, instead of the one that their current president, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, envisions.
The Republicans have proven that they are incapable of reading or comprehending anything regarding the Iran Deal aside from it simply not happening.
It’s football season again and, for me, that means it’s the time of year when I pick the football team I follow in order to appease my modern-gladiatorial-game-watching friends.
Every American should realize that it is their obvious duty to vote for Donald Trump to be the 45th president of the United States.
Eastern Michigan University has recently announced that it is raising the cost of tuition by 7.8 percent.
Capitalism is an ideology and, like many ideologies, it requires multiple factors that only exist in a textbook to ensure it works 100 percent of the time with 100 percent efficiency.
Authority in the United States is given too much room for error and interpretation. Allowing authority figures, paid for by the American tax dollars, too much leniency is like two parents telling a child not to open the cookie jar, but then leave him unattended for a week.
Trickle-down economics has become a popular phrase in conservative media since their king, President Reagan, in the 1980s.