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The Eastern Echo Friday, March 14, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Bryan Alfaro


Local hip-hop artist releases debut album

After 5 years in the making, Ann Arbor native Harlin Newcomb, 35, will be celebrating the release of his freshman studio album, “Ground Zero,” Jan. 25 at The Blind Pig, located at 208 S. First St. in downtown Ann Arbor. Doors open at 9:30 p.m. and cover is $7 for 21 and up and $10 for 18-20. Newcomb and local rappers Nickie P., Bedroxx and Tru Klassick will be performing, along with DJ Chill Will from Tampa, Fla.


BBQueer event kickoff

Eastern Michigan University’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Resource Center held its fourth annual BBQueer event Tuesday from 3:30-5:30 p.m. outside Bob’s Lakehouse on the north side of campus.

	Student Government originally denied funds for the Genocide Awareness Project, but reversed its decision this week.

EMU Student Government changes mind on exhibit

In a roundabout way, Eastern Michigan University Student Government reversed its decision to not fund the Genocide Awareness Project, a traveling exhibit that compares abortion to genocide through graphic photos of genocide victims placed side-by-side with images of abused children and aborted babies.

The Eastern Echo

EMU holds teacher job fair

Eastern Michigan University will host one of the state’s largest teacher job fairs Wednesday at the EMU Convocation Center, 799 N. Hewitt in Ypsilanti, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Government launches programs to help loan debt

In an effort to help graduating students better understand their loan debt and stay on track for repayment, the U.S. Department of Education launched two new features on its website: A complete counseling webpage and a new repayment estimator that lets borrowers compare what their monthly payment amounts would likely be across the seven repayment plan options.

	The Ypsilanti club will hold the event Saturday at the First United Methodist Church. The fundraiser is part of a global campaign to fight maternal and neonatal tetanus, which kills one baby every nine minutes.

Kiwanis Club to host Pancake Breakfast

The Kiwanis Club of Ypsilanti will host its annual Pancake Breakfast Saturday at the First United Methodist Church of Ypsilanti, located at 209 Washtenaw Ave., to raise funds for The Eliminate Project campaign.

	Eastern Michigan University Student Government Speaker of the Senate, Leo Cartier (left), introduced a resolution to the Senate to impeach Student Body President Matthew Norfleet (right) Jan. 29, and less than a week later Cartier withdrew the resolution.

Details of Norfleet impeachment scarce

Eastern Michigan University Student Government Speaker of the Senate, Leo Cartier, introduced a resolution to the Senate to impeach Student Body President Matthew Norfleet Jan. 29, and less than a week later Cartier withdrew the resolution.

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	Newcomb’s producer Steffen Gelletly

Newcomb’s producer Steffen Gelletly

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Renowned journalist Beimeng Fu recalls her COVID-19 reporting experience on this weeks episode of Women Journalist COVID-19 Experiences. Check out this latest episode on Spotify! Or you can listen to their full unedited conversation at the Eastern Michigan University Archive website.