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The Eastern Echo

Brandon Lazovic

The Eastern Echo

News Briefs, Dec. 5

EMU student wins third annual College Food Stars cooking competition Sarah Lewis Kourtni Talley, student at Eastern Michigan University student, won the grand prize of $1000 at Holiday Inn near the University of Michigan’s third annual College Food Stars cooking competition on Sunday, Nov. 13 for her Avocado Delight dish.

The Eastern Echo

News Briefs, Nov. 14

EMU construction management students place second in national construction competition Six Eastern Michigan University construction management students placed second in a national pre-construction competition sponsored by the Associated Schools of Construction from Oct. 12 to Oct. 15 in Downers Grove, Illinois.

The Eastern Echo

News Briefs, Nov. 7

Bridget Mary McCormack, a Michigan Court Supreme Court Justice, has been selected as commencement speaker for Eastern Michigan University's fall commencement ceremony on Saturday, Dec. 17.

The Eastern Echo

News Briefs, Nov. 1

Actress Bellamy Young campaigns for Hillary Clinton at EMU Actress Bellamy Young, famous for her role as First Lady and Sen. Mellie Grant in the television series "Scandal," campaigned for Hillary Clinton at Eastern Michigan University's McKenny hall on Sunday, Oct. 30.

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Dr. Yvette Colon, assistant professor at the EMU school of social work, speaking at the third installment of the EMU Honors College Star Lecture Series on Tuesday, Dec. 6. The central topic of the 2016-2017 series is "With Justice For All?" and Colon discusses chronic pain and a flawed United States healthcare system. 

Dr. Yvette Colon, assistant professor at the EMU school of social work, speaking at the third installment of the EMU Honors College Star Lecture Series on Tuesday, Dec. 6. The central topic of the 2016-2017 series is "With Justice For All?" and Colon discusses chronic pain and a flawed United States healthcare system. 

Bob Heighes (right), chief of Eastern Michigan University's police department, speaking with members of Student Government on Nov. 1 regarding EMU PD's investigation of the racial graffiti incidents on campus. 

Bob Heighes (right), chief of Eastern Michigan University's police department, speaking with members of Student Government on Nov. 1 regarding EMU PD's investigation of the racial graffiti incidents on campus. 

EMU grad students and alumni showing support for the Black Lives Matter movement at the faculty rally outside of Ford Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 2.From left to right: EMU alumni Karlie Ebersole, EMU alumni Hunter Lockwood, Kira Dallaire, EMU special education grad student, and McKenzie Campbell, EMU women's studies grad student. 

EMU grad students and alumni showing support for the Black Lives Matter movement at the faculty rally outside of Ford Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 2.From left to right: EMU alumni Karlie Ebersole, EMU alumni Hunter Lockwood, Kira Dallaire, EMU special education grad student, and McKenzie Campbell, EMU women's studies grad student. 

Protesters holding "pro-black" signs at the rally outside of Ford Hall at Eastern Michigan University on Wednesday, Nov. 2 to protest racism and the racial graffiti incidents on campus over the past month.

Protesters holding "pro-black" signs at the rally outside of Ford Hall at Eastern Michigan University on Wednesday, Nov. 2 to protest racism and the racial graffiti incidents on campus over the past month.

Faculty and students rally outside of Ford Hall at Eastern Michigan University on Wednesday, Nov. 2 to protest racism and the racial graffiti incidents on campus over the past month. 

Faculty and students rally outside of Ford Hall at Eastern Michigan University on Wednesday, Nov. 2 to protest racism and the racial graffiti incidents on campus over the past month. 

Audience members holding Start by Believing flyers. Their names are written on them, followed by the statement, "When someone tells me they were raped or sexually assaulted, I Start by Believing."

Audience members holding Start by Believing flyers. Their names are written on them, followed by the statement, "When someone tells me they were raped or sexually assaulted, I Start by Believing."

Kiley Albert, ROTC alpha company executive officer, swimming 15 meters with a dummy M16 rifle and full equipment. 

Kiley Albert, ROTC alpha company executive officer, swimming 15 meters with a dummy M16 rifle and full equipment. 

Audience members from the "Got Consent?" event holding Start by Believing flyers. Their names are written on them, followed by the statement, "When someone tells me they were raped or sexually assaulted, I Start by Believing." 

Audience members from the "Got Consent?" event holding Start by Believing flyers. Their names are written on them, followed by the statement, "When someone tells me they were raped or sexually assaulted, I Start by Believing." 

David E. Rutledge

David E. Rutledge

David E. Rutledge (middle) holding a plaque given to him by the Student Government senate in commemoration of his recommendation to be on the EMU Board of Regents.  

Left to right: ECA faculty and staff Crystal Jackson, Felix Shapiro and Valerie Canter posing with the Unity in the Community frame cutout. 

Left to right: ECA faculty and staff Crystal Jackson, Felix Shapiro and Valerie Canter posing with the Unity in the Community frame cutout. 

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Renowned journalist Beimeng Fu recalls her COVID-19 reporting experience on this weeks episode of Women Journalist COVID-19 Experiences. Check out this latest episode on Spotify! Or you can listen to their full unedited conversation at the Eastern Michigan University Archive website.