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The Eastern Echo Sunday, March 16, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Alli Wroblewski


Theater production brings magic of Narnia to life

On Friday, the Quirk-Sponberg Theater grew still as 7 p.m. drew near. The soft sound of children shushing was heard around the theater, bouncing off exposed brick walls as the lights dimmed. Children and parents sat in anticipation to see the world of author C.S. Lewis’ “Narnia” come to life as the Eastern Michigan University Theatre for the Young presented its production of “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.”


EMU student shares military experiences

Aaron Heckert sat in a rested position while talking about his time in the 1st Infantry division, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1-77 Armor, Bravo Company in the U.S. Army. Heckert joined the army on July 11, 2005, and during that time he worked as a tank driver, loader and gunner. He was stationed in Germany, and deployed to Iraq.

The Eastern Echo

First Fridays at Beezy’s

Eastern Michigan University art graduate, Caleb Zweifler, will be presenting a First Friday event at Beezy’s Café to promote a rich, artistic side from local artists.

The Eastern Echo

Stay safe during flu season

With the cold and flu season closing in on us – and for a few of us, already here – it might be time for a reminder about those key health tips we learned in grade school. Much like basic algebra and English skills, we forget simple things like singing our ABCs when washing our hands or how to have a solid sleeping pattern.

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Renowned journalist Beimeng Fu recalls her COVID-19 reporting experience on this weeks episode of Women Journalist COVID-19 Experiences. Check out this latest episode on Spotify! Or you can listen to their full unedited conversation at the Eastern Michigan University Archive website.