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The Eastern Echo Monday, March 17, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Alex Mandrila

	EMU junior and ROTC Cadet Damion Brooks demonstrates how to use part of the new recreation course just west of Cornell Courts apartments.

EMU junior and ROTC Cadet Damion Brooks demonstrates how to use part of the new recreation course just west of Cornell Courts apartments.

	EMU Executive Director of Student Well Being Ellen Gold talks to ROTC Senior Shawn Saputo at the new recreation area.

EMU Executive Director of Student Well Being Ellen Gold talks to ROTC Senior Shawn Saputo at the new recreation area.

	EMU administrators and staff perform a ribbon cutting for the grand opening of the recreation area just west of Cornell Courts apartements.

EMU administrators and staff perform a ribbon cutting for the grand opening of the recreation area just west of Cornell Courts apartements.

	Lewis Savage, Assistant Director for University Apartments, gives a brief history of the fitness trail area and outlines future plans.

Lewis Savage, Assistant Director for University Apartments, gives a brief history of the fitness trail area and outlines future plans.

Ellen Gold, Executive Director of Student Well Being, welcomes attendants at the grand opening of the outdoor fitness recreation area.

Ellen Gold, Executive Director of Student Well Being, welcomes attendants at the grand opening of the outdoor fitness recreation area.

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Renowned journalist Beimeng Fu recalls her COVID-19 reporting experience on this weeks episode of Women Journalist COVID-19 Experiences. Check out this latest episode on Spotify! Or you can listen to their full unedited conversation at the Eastern Michigan University Archive website.