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The Eastern Echo Sunday, Nov. 24, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


The Eastern Echo

America is not ‘best’ country


Harvey Milk, a politician from San Francisco and subject of the biopic “Milk,” once remarked, “Politics is theatre.” This sentiment is exemplified in the debates featuring President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney. If one were to attempt to find a theme in these charades, it might be this: America is the greatest country in the world, no matter what anyone says.

The Eastern Echo

Criticism of political posts risky


Scouring through posts on Facebook is a common trend in today’s world. Depending on the news of the day, oftentimes themes quickly emerge that dominate others.

The Eastern Echo

Dream Act a bad idea, gives scholarships to wrong people


An Oct. 8 article by The Eastern Echo explained the work Student Body President Matthew Norfleet has done to further an Eastern Michigan University “Dream Act.” This policy would give EMU Foundation scholarships to the children of illegal immigrants because they have to pay out-of-state tuition.

The Eastern Echo

Foreign policy important factor in election


The presidential race has been interesting to say the least, particularly in the last few weeks. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney had an excellent debate performance in Denver, President Barack Obama benefited from the unemployment rate dropping to a notably low 7.8 percent and Sesame Street’s Big Bird may possibly sue for defamation.

The Eastern Echo

Debate energizes Romney campaign


The president was the favorite against Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney leading into the first debate last week, but he came out looking like the challenger.

The Eastern Echo

High heels too painful


Look down at the shoes of women around Eastern Michigan University’s campus on a typical day of school and you’ll see that, for the most part, women in this area make sensible choices: sneakers, flats and the unfortunately ubiquitous Uggs.

The Eastern Echo

Candidates need open, honest discussion


The first presidential debate of 2012, let’s do this. In what came as a surprise to probably everyone, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney came across as the clear winner.

The Eastern Echo

EMI says reselling purchased tracks is wrong


When you buy a toaster, don’t you have the right to resell it? Apparently troubled record label EMI Music thinks differently. Earlier this year, EMI sued startup company for what it claims is copyright infringement.

Journalist Lenora Chu talks with Eastern Michigan University associate professor of Journalism Dr. You Li on this weeks episode of Women Journalists COVID Experiences. If you are interested in hearing the full unedited conversation check out the Eastern Michigan University archive website. Otherwise tune in for this weeks exceptional episode of WJCE on Spotify!