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The Eastern Echo Friday, Sept. 20, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


The Eastern Echo

Short Hair and Feminism


A couple of weeks ago, my fellow opinions columnist, Andrew Kocis, wrote an article about how similar our generation, the Millennials, is to the post-WWI “Lost Generation.” It was about this same point in history where the controversial “bob” haircut grew in increased popularity and I can’t help but compare it to the pixie-cut trend that’s going around today. Smack in the middle of these two generations was the super long, straight hippie hair of the 70s.

The Eastern Echo

Drones used for good


Just last night I saw a brief news story about the Federal Aviation Administration starting to consider new flight rules to adopt in consideration of flying drones that are starting to take to the skies in our country.

The Eastern Echo

Comparing race and income


In 2014, Hope Landline and Irma Corral of East Carolina University recommended “[u]sing wealth . . . household income, education, and household size . . . in studies of racial-ethnic health disparities, [to] improve” the overall quality of a health study.

The Eastern Echo

Appreciate the commonplace


In the summer of 2013 my brother and I travelled to Europe; he went to Italy, I went to Spain. The view in Madrid, Spain was either that the Catalans were unserious in their push for independence, or that they were only interested in economic and political gain.

The Eastern Echo

The US electoral system is flawed


The way we elect our president is through the Electoral College system. While we do have a popular vote, it is the Electoral College that officially selects who our next president will be.

The Eastern Echo

Take note of social media terms of service


In an article titled “Reading the Fine Print” printed in the Emerging Photographer, the National Press Photographers Association attorney Mickey Osterreicher explains to photographers the dangers of posting their work on social media platforms without reading all the terms of service.

The Eastern Echo

Stigma of V-Day


We are trudging deep in the drifts of wet February snow and a sea of red hearts. This can only mean one thing: The holiday that companies have been advertising for since the day after Christmas is upon us. Yes, it’s almost Valentine’s Day, and about time.

The Eastern Echo

Say no to tax raise


Michigan legislators want citizens to vote on whether to rob ourselves to the tune of more than $2 billion in tax hikes that we’re supposed to believe will fix our roads.

The Eastern Echo

Don't vote 3rd party


Please don’t vote third party. At least don’t vote third party expecting to win. Third parties can determine who the victor will be in an election, but they do not win.

The Eastern Echo

Capitalism is a sinking ship


Capitalism, being a naturally oppressive and adversarial system, will always lead to the subjugation and disenfranchisement of those at the bottom of the social ladder while those at the top become akin to divinity – with money and material gain being the gateway to this illusory and superficial paradise. This is not to say, however, that other forms of government such as socialism or communism are viable or even appropriate solutions to the problems we currently inherit, but the current system is faulty and cannot be sustained. In the game of capitalism, humanity is the millionaire’s toll because in the throes of monetary ecstasy they, the politicians and “corporaticians,” have become blind to the needs of the people.

The Eastern Echo

Lots of candidates


“I like to define public opinion as what people think other people think,” said EMU alumnus Joseph Sobran. According to the polls, here’s what people think other people think: Republicans are split between Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney – if splitting the vote was an Olympic sport, the Republicans would win gold, silver and bronze and the Democrats would get honorable mention – while Democrats are squarely behind Hillary Clinton.

The Eastern Echo

The difference between judgment and first impressions


To judge or not to judge seems to be a big question we are asking now-a-days. Yet it seems we have come up with an answer: “Do not judge.” But that, however true it may seem, is wrong. The idea we have of judging presently comes from a false definition.

The Eastern Echo

Get vaccinated


We are a little over a month into 2015 and already there are more cases of measles than we have on average in a given year.

The Eastern Echo

Why you should see The Vagina Monologues


It’s nearly impossible not to have heard: V Month is staking its claim in February at Eastern Michigan University with events as varied as the numerous topics covered in its main event, The Vagina Monologues. This will be my third year attending the annual Valentine’s Day weekend event and I couldn’t be more excited.

The Eastern Echo

We need more political party options


Politicians are supposed to be our representatives to the government. They’re supposed to serve the public and, despite their personal opinions or beliefs, present the will of the people to Congress and the President.

The Eastern Echo

There's no wrong way to vote


The idea that voters are generally uninformed is a pervasive and popular opinion. This leads many people, both political junkies and less politically knowledgeable people, to come to the conclusion that voters are incapable of making good decisions in elections.

The Eastern Echo

Letter to the Editor


In the Eastern Echo Jan. 5 issue, Opinions Editor Jennifer Kirby wrote a great column espousing the benefits of art programs in schools and why they are worth keeping.

The Eastern Echo

Pope Francis defies stereotypes


Over the past few years Pope Francis has been in the news several times. Although this is to be expected – he is the Catholic Pope after all – I believe his messages of humility and peace are worthy of attention. Before I go on I would like to make it clear that I am not Catholic.

Introducing The Eastern Echo’s newest event and news based podcast, Scoop on the Scene. These weekly episodes will be hosted by the organization’s Digital Editor, Julez DeShetler. She intends to bring awareness to the events happening on an around campus to Echo listeners. 

DeShetler’s goal with the podcast is to encourage students and community members to get involved in an educated, safe and fun manner. She will list various events to choose from in addition to sharing the key details of said events. 

These podcasts can be expected to come out near the weekends and be no longer than 10-15 minutes.

For the week of Sept. 14 to Sept. 20, DeShetler includes events such as sports, a pub crawl, yoga, a movie in the park, Study Abroad Fair and training sessions. 

Be sure to tune in weekly to stay up to date on all the Eastern Michigan and Ypsilanti amusement!

Listen to this week’s episode here: