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The Eastern Echo Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


The Eastern Echo

EMU's wasted money on football is appalling


I didn't get to see the Real Sports HBO special that aired Tuesday, April 19th, about Eastern Michigan University's spending on sports (I was too busy thinking about how I'm going to pay off my student debt), but I've read enough about it to know that my university has spent $52 million in the last two years on sports, according to the show.

The Eastern Echo

Don't vote for Hillary Clinton just because she's a woman


I understand the significance of electing a woman president, but Hillary Clinton is not the right woman for the job. It won’t come as a surprise to anyone that Hillary Clinton is a woman, especially if you pay attention to politics (and if you didn’t know, just watch the next democratic presidential primary debate, where she will assuredly remind us of that fact any time she feels like she’s losing traction among audience members), and, in all honesty, it’s getting a bit tiring constantly hearing about her gender, as if it has some sort of bearing on her ability to govern.

The Eastern Echo

The case for taxing churches


The primary reason churches in the United States have been tax-exempt thus far is due to the protection granted to them through the separation of church and state.

The Eastern Echo

We're all responsible for Donald Trump


Donald J. Trump officially announced that he was running for president on June 16th, 2015. Speaking from Trump Tower in New York City, the then newly-announced candidate opened with a no-substance quip about the supposed idiocy and gutlessness of the other candidates saying, “How are they going to beat ISIS?

The Eastern Echo

Obama's visit to Cuba is momentous


The United States’ record with Cuba since the 1960s has been rough and downright scary at times, and although my generation — the Millennials — never experienced the same fear as our parents did of nuclear war looming over our heads, we understand how incredibly significant Barack Obama’s visit to Cuba is. My mother used to recount her experiences at school and how her and her classmates would perform drills in case of a nuclear attack.

The Eastern Echo

Trump is unifying the Republican Party


Four years after his even more impressive but nevertheless unsuccessful independent run in 1992, Texas billionaire and Reform Party founder Ross Perot won more than eight million votes in the 1996 presidential election.

The Eastern Echo

Rape is not a joke


I was talking with a friend Saturday night and he told me he felt like he was raped by a class. Looking back on the class, it was extremely difficult.

The Eastern Echo

Hillary Clinton faces a perfect storm over the Supreme Court


With the White House and Congress still battling over whether or not — and if so, with whom — to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court, the November election is increasingly likely to be shaped as much by Washington as by the primaries. Because Hillary Clinton has said that she would “love” to nominate Barack Obama to the Supreme Court if she becomes president, some argue that Obama ought not nominate anyone lest he miss his chance to sit on the Supreme Court.

World renowned journalist Kathy Gannon sat down with Eastern Michigan University associate professor of journalism Dr. You Li to share her experiences reporting on the COVID-19 pandemic. You can listen to their full unedited conversation at the Eastern Michigan University Archive website. Otherwise check out the edited podcast version below and on Spotify!