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The Eastern Echo Wednesday, March 12, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


The Eastern Echo

Why LGBTQ+ Needs to be Taught in Schools


 New Jersey is now the second state in the country, after California, to pass a law requiring LGBTQ+ history to be taught in schools, and it has gotten a lot of mixed reactions. 

The Eastern Echo

Victoria’s Secret is Out: It’s Time to Boycott


 Victoria’s Secret closed over 50 more stores following negative remarks about transgender and plus-size people, made by the company’s CEO Ed Razek late last year, and it’s time to ditch the company for good. 

The Eastern Echo

National Catastrophe


President Donald Trump met in the White House Rose Garden on Friday and informed the media and others present that he was going to declare a national emergency in order to get the border wall built. But what is to be made of the precedent being set by this drastic decision?

U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown

Sherrod Brown


In 2015, I was a young Ohioan just beginning my interest in Democratic politics when Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) caught my eye. Ever since politics became my lifeblood, Brown has been my favorite Senator and perhaps my favorite politician. 

The Eastern Echo

Michigan GOP Continues to Obstruct Progress


The Michigan Legislature voted on Feb. 14 to reject Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s executive order reorganizing the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). The MDEQ is in desperate need of an overhaul and it is critical to the protection of Michigan’s environment. 

NBA Basketball

The NBA After the Trade Deadline


Lakers fans collapsed in tears Thursday when the trade deadline hit,  knowing that All-Star Anthony Davis would not be joining their roster. This isn’t the only exciting thing that happened this trade season. Here are some of the highlights. 

The Eastern Echo

Top Spots for Anthony Davis this Summer


Anthony Davis made major news on Jan. 28 when he requested a trade to “a team that allows him the chance to win consistently and compete for a championship.” Teams lined up to court New Orleans before the trade deadline, but to no avail. This means that this summer will be all about Davis. Here are some likely spots for Davis to land. 

Phelps Hall

A Student First Solution for EMU Housing


Over the last several years, the EMU administration has made the decision to privatize several areas of campus operations that were previously under the full control of our public university. Recently, the administration has turned their attention toward renovating our aging housing infrastructure. Student Government is working to ensure that they take a student first approach in any potential renovations by holding the administration to a set of four core demands. 

The Eastern Echo

Letter To The Editor: Jolly Green New World


A recent opinion piece by Reid Scott described the Green New Deal as something that has “really ambitious and, in reality, impossible goals for the country.” This argument is flawed and poorly researched. If anything, the Green New Deal is not ambitious enough and proposes entirely possible goals for the United States.  

The Eastern Echo

A Response to the ‘Best Hall’ Incident


Last Monday, a Black doll was found hanging in a shared shower of a dorm room in Best Hall. After this incident, Black students, including myself, are unsure whether Eastern Michigan University cares about students of color or are just using them as a token to show that they are diverse. 

The Eastern Echo

It’s Time To Embrace Medicare-for-all


The 2020 election cycle is already gearing up, and the future of healthcare is one of the most important issues to discuss. With the Democratic Party continuing its move to the left, what is the future of Medicare-for-all? 

The Eastern Echo

P!nk’s Forward-Thinking Parenting Style


American popstar and activist P!nk said in a recent interview that she is raising her children in a label-less household to allow them to feel free to discover their own sexuality and gender expression, and it has sparked a discussion.

Green New Deal

Jolly Green Nightmare


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., introduced her proposal for the Green New Deal this past Thursday. The Green New Deal promises instant action on climate change and promises economic stability to all American citizens. There are some troubling aspects of the proposal, however.

Renowned journalist Beimeng Fu recalls her COVID-19 reporting experience on this weeks episode of Women Journalist COVID-19 Experiences. Check out this latest episode on Spotify! Or you can listen to their full unedited conversation at the Eastern Michigan University Archive website.