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The Eastern Echo Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


The Eastern Echo

College admissions cut men slack


Who’s smarter, men or women? It’s a topic of common — and often comic — musings, but it has also become a serious policy issue for colleges and students. After 17 years of concentrated effort to raise the academic achievement of girls, the nation can brag female students have progressed tremendously. Women had often received less attention in the classroom and been steered away from college-prep courses in previous decades. Though still under-represented in calculus and other advanced-level science and math courses in high school, women now outnumber men applying to and graduating from college — so many that it appears some colleges are giving male applicants an admissions boost.

The Eastern Echo

Presidency: a frustrating career choice


WANTED: Male or female, preferably male, minimum 35 years old, who wants to help others. Position consists of long hours, travel, relocation, time away from the family and absolutely no privacy. Your past, present and future will become everyone’s business, so those with skeletons in the closet need not apply. Everyone around you will critique and judge everything about you, from your ethics to your razor burn. Everyone will be overanalyzing every word and hand gesture for hidden meanings. Trust no one, they are all waiting to stab you in the back while they shake your hand. You will start off wanting to leave a legacy and make changes, but none of it will come true. Everyone will know your name and your face. You will be talked about in every history and civics class from here to eternity, no matter if you succeed or fail. Interested parties should apply within.

The Eastern Echo

Comic books do contain literary value

I said last article that the discussion on whether comic books constituted proper literature was a topic for another article. Three guesses for what this article will be about. The problem is the art – the words alone do not a piece of literature make, as the argument goes. But literature is art, so therefore comic books are literature. Somewhere a professor of logic is yelling at the paper. So sue me, politics are slow right now. Sure, I could write about the Senate position in Massachusetts, but I’ve done Democratic incompetence to death for now, so I’m moving on.

The Eastern Echo

Democrats get a wake-up call


It’s Ted Kennedy’s seat no longer. Scott Brown walked into the Lion’s Den and defeated Martha Coakley, spoiling the Democrats’ chance at a filibuster-proof Senate on Tuesday. The Democratic Party would like you to believe that this was an isolated event, but it wasn’t. This election was a referendum on the president and the party he leads.

The Eastern Echo

GOP can't expect to win in 2010 without overhaul


For the last few weeks, I have been sitting around listening to the right-wing, truth-distorting machine talk about how the American people are upset with the president and how people are tired of tax increases in government-run healthcare.

The Eastern Echo

U.S. imperialism hurting Pakistan

Earlier this month, the Pakistani English-language daily “Dawn” reported U.S. drone-missile attacks have claimed the lives of more than 700 people in Pakistan in 2009. The report was based on statistics compiled by Pakistani authorities and has been virtually ignored by the U.S. media.

The Eastern Echo

Stop texting and driving, make roads safer


You’re driving down the road, on your way to class, when your cell phone goes off. You take a quick glance to find it’s a text message. It’s just a friend letting you know where you’ll be meeting at the movies tonight. Knowing you’re going to be in class for most of the day, you reach over and try to text him back before you pull up to the student parking lot. Suddenly, you hear a loud car horn. Then you notice your car is traveling in the wrong lane and you quickly move to miss the other car by only a few feet. Feeling relieved and a little embarrassed, you begin to wish you had parked your car before you picked up the phone.

The Eastern Echo

Archive binges lead to lost time

Wikis have an irritating habit of being addictive. You read an article, see some links you like and suddenly you’re reading four or more articles at once. One site I like to do this with is Now while reading articles on this site I came across an often-quoted web comic called The Order of the Stick. I decided to read this web comic from the start

The Eastern Echo

GOP turn focus on Yemen and its link to terrorism

Apparently, Yemen is the new front in the War on Terror. It was a rather obscure country to most Americans before recent events – much like any country that doesn’t have terrorists, or plans to nuke us to the Stone Age.

The Eastern Echo

Nation's veterans need help


One tends to assume, once a military member has returned from a combat zone alive, whether harmed or uninjured, all should be well once the member is removed from the hostile sector.

The Eastern Echo

Media influence our perception of 'beauty'


According to Leonard Eron, senior research scientist at the University of Michigan, “Television alone is responsible for 10 percent of youth violence.” This is only 10 percent, and not including the effect it has on body image, sexuality and eating disorders.

The Eastern Echo

Tax big bankers


While 2009 is still fresh in our minds, it is important that we start 2010 right. Just like in 2009, the huge banks are propped up with taxpayer dollars.

The Eastern Echo

Bachelor's degree weak in educated workforce

Hello again. Welcome back from break, hope you enjoyed it and that you were happy with your grades. With the holidays over I can proceed to bring you back to reality with all the grace and civility of an elephant high on Acid. With more and more people going to college, those undergraduate degrees that many students end up in debt for are becoming less valued in the work environment, mainly because there are so many of them now.

The Eastern Echo

High expectations curse resolutions


After all the balloons have been released, the confetti has been thrown and the kisses shared, ringing in the New Year puts pressure on those who subscribe to the rules attached to resolution.

Introducing The Eastern Echo’s newest event and news based podcast, Scoop on the Scene. These weekly episodes will be hosted by the organization’s Digital Editor, Julez DeShetler. She intends to bring awareness to the events happening on an around campus to Echo listeners. 

DeShetler’s goal with the podcast is to encourage students and community members to get involved in an educated, safe and fun manner. She will list various events to choose from in addition to sharing the key details of said events. 

These podcasts can be expected to come out near the weekends and be no longer than 10-15 minutes.

For the week of Sept. 14 to Sept. 20, DeShetler includes events such as sports, a pub crawl, yoga, a movie in the park, Study Abroad Fair and training sessions. 

Be sure to tune in weekly to stay up to date on all the Eastern Michigan and Ypsilanti amusement!

Listen to this week’s episode here: