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The Eastern Echo Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


The Eastern Echo

Letter to the editor: Echo cartoon creates local controversy

The recent publication of Jason Promo’s Sept. 27 comic illustrating several characters dressed in hoods, a tree with a noose, and one character saying to the other, “Honey, this is the tree where we met” horrified me.


Representative Grayson launches verbal attack


Firebrand Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson is now facing a strong backlash after an attack ad launched against his opponent, Daniel Webster, took Webster’s words out of context while comparing him to the Taliban.

The Eastern Echo

Patriotism should be re-evaluated


There is a centuries-old cancer debilitating all of humanity, stunting its growth and threatening the peaceful coexistence of its members.

The Eastern Echo

Obama's initiative causes competition


Over the summer, Michigan was passed over in the second round of the Obama administration’s “Race to the Top” initiative. Through RTT, Obama had the states compete with each other over a paltry $4 billion in federal funding for public education. The winners were those who went furthest in carrying out the administration’s education reform principles.

The Eastern Echo

Take time to discover Constitution


Americans love the Constitution. We might argue what it means or try to change parts of it, but as a general rule we like it. Despite this adoration, it seems people aren’t as familiar with the document as you might expect.

The Eastern Echo

Policies support students in loans, develop colleges


At colleges and universities across America, students are heading into the classroom, many for the first time. You’re taking part in a journey that will not only determine your future, but the future of this country. We know, for example, that nearly eight in ten new jobs will require workforce training or higher education by the end of this decade. And we know that in a global economy, the nation that out-educates us today will out-compete us tomorrow. In the 21st century, America’s success depends on the education our students receive.

The Eastern Echo

Possible causes of fires emerge


Numerous fires swept through Detroit neighborhoods last Tuesday after winds knocked down more than 700 power lines. While luckily no one was killed, some 85 houses, garages and other structures were consumed in the blazes.

The Eastern Echo

Obama's promise goes unfulfilled


Last Friday, President Obama held a rare press conference. Among the president’s long answers and defensive responses, NBC’s Chuck Todd asked a simple question focusing on the very foundation of the 2008 campaign that earned President Obama his title. The question was, “How have you changed Washington?” President Obama answered the question by saying he had brought health care to families, fair credit card practices to borrowers, clean air and water to all Americans, tax cuts for the middle class and an overall policy for growth that has put us on the path to recovery.

Introducing The Eastern Echo’s newest event and news based podcast, Scoop on the Scene. These weekly episodes will be hosted by the organization’s Digital Editor, Julez DeShetler. She intends to bring awareness to the events happening on an around campus to Echo listeners. 

DeShetler’s goal with the podcast is to encourage students and community members to get involved in an educated, safe and fun manner. She will list various events to choose from in addition to sharing the key details of said events. 

These podcasts can be expected to come out near the weekends and be no longer than 10-15 minutes.

For the week of Sept. 14 to Sept. 20, DeShetler includes events such as sports, a pub crawl, yoga, a movie in the park, Study Abroad Fair and training sessions. 

Be sure to tune in weekly to stay up to date on all the Eastern Michigan and Ypsilanti amusement!

Listen to this week’s episode here: