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The Eastern Echo Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


The Eastern Echo

Making resolutions is a pointless pastime


Ah, the beginning of a new year and a new decade. With this new page in the history books comes a lot of resolutions. People promise themselves they will lose weight, read more and get a better job, and that’s fantastic. The New Year’s resolution is in place for people to attempt to better themselves, and for that I salute them.

The Eastern Echo

Shooting not politically motivated


How many times have you heard someone rail against partisanship in the last couple years? How many times have you told people you are sick of both parties? If those numbers are high, and I suspect they are, then it’s time to put your money where your mouth is. It’s time for everyone to mean it, if only for a moment.

The Eastern Echo

Obama still isn't living up to promises of campaign


Soaring through the 2008 presidential election with a message of “Hope and Change,” Barack Obama came into the presidency with the confidence of many that he could truly lead. Many became enamored by his message. Even those wary of the promises of politicians had faith in the newly elected commander-in-chief. But now, three years later, I find myself having to amend the message of the president: give up “hope,” but not hope.


Specter's final speech hits home ... sadly


Arlen Specter, former Senator of Pennsylvania, lost his primary election and left the Senate for good. Before he wandered off quietly into that good night, he made a speech on the floor. In said speech, Specter outlined everything he felt was wrong with the Senate and politics today.

The Eastern Echo

Michigan crackdown on teen drivers merited


In America, driving is something pretty much every teenager looks forward to. The excitement of being sixteen, of having a car and being able to go anywhere you want. On the flip side though, more practiced drivers are wary of these inexperienced, and oftentimes, reckless drivers. As anyone who has been in the vicinity of a high school undoubtedly knows, kids can be pretty crazy when they drive.


Quarterback Vick's return bittersweet


When late night television became a soap opera last year George Lopez, in reference to Conan O’Brien, said that the only thing America loves more than a happy ending is a big comeback.


Has the GOP learned anything?


After the results were called in and it was obvious that the GOP would overtake the House of Representatives by large majorities, John Boehner the next in line to be Speaker of the House, took to the stage to commiserate on his party’s return to power.

The Eastern Echo

Season of growing ill


Ah, December is here and with it, the snow, the holidays and an innumerable amount of bacterial illnesses. People coming down with colds, coughs, sniffles and things of that sort are bound to happen – and in staggering numbers.

The Eastern Echo

Time to move past racial bias


Of all the major events that have occurred in the past decade, including Y2K, Hurricane Katrina, and the recession, the single most notable event is undoubtedly 9/11. People of all ages remember where they were and what they were doing when they first heard about the catastrophic crash. Understandably, it became the number one news item, and much political and media havoc ensued.

The Eastern Echo

The year of the superlatives ends


Over the next few weeks most of you will read and hear countless thoughts on the past year. It’s likely that the majority of those opinions will contain phrases like “most important,” “unprecedented,” “historic” and “monumental.”


Democrats must compromise less


Now that most of the punditry has silenced over what Pres. Obama called a “shellacking,” there is still something missing from the questions asked of the midterm election results. The question isn’t whether or not the election results were a referendum on the Obama administration and the Democratic Party. It’s not how can the Democrats possibly do anything now that they have lost their supermajority in Congress. The question is – what will the Democrats learn?

20100916 Immigration poll

Immigration reform still requires review for success


While illegal immigration has temporarily been out of public interest, in favor of more pressing economic issues and more salacious airport security stories, there is no more an agreed-upon solution now than there was at the height of the debate surrounding Arizona’s recent, but increasingly forgotten, immigration law

The Eastern Echo

Eventful last decade summed up


Oh, the last decade – a time of tribulations, political bouts and semantic arguments. It has been a time where uncertainty springs from the violent nature of the world. Terrorist attacks from extreme militant groups have targeted not only our country, but also many different countries abroad.

The Eastern Echo

Baby Boomers created mess


Their parents carry one of the most admired titles of the last century. Their children will carry an enormous burden. They came of age during Vietnam and Woodstock and they put down roots after the Cold War. The Baby Boomers found an America with no ceiling, and left it with no floor.

Introducing The Eastern Echo’s newest event and news based podcast, Scoop on the Scene. These weekly episodes will be hosted by the organization’s Digital Editor, Julez DeShetler. She intends to bring awareness to the events happening on an around campus to Echo listeners. 

DeShetler’s goal with the podcast is to encourage students and community members to get involved in an educated, safe and fun manner. She will list various events to choose from in addition to sharing the key details of said events. 

These podcasts can be expected to come out near the weekends and be no longer than 10-15 minutes.

For the week of Sept. 14 to Sept. 20, DeShetler includes events such as sports, a pub crawl, yoga, a movie in the park, Study Abroad Fair and training sessions. 

Be sure to tune in weekly to stay up to date on all the Eastern Michigan and Ypsilanti amusement!

Listen to this week’s episode here: