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The Eastern Echo Friday, Oct. 18, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


Grab 'em by the midterms

The Blue Wave Was a Success


The Democrats have, so far, flipped 32 House seats. It’s estimated the total will climb to 38 seats once all votes have been counted. Democrats have also flipped seven governorships, including in Kansas, which is typically a ruby-red state. I’d call that a wave. 

The Eastern Echo

How to Fix the Corrupt Influence of Money in Politics


The road to a democracy that works for all Americans includes complete transparency of political donations from individuals and groups, public financing of campaigns that empowers small donors, and overturning the disastrous Supreme Court decision Citizens United. 

The Eastern Echo

Why Voting Isn’t Enough


November 6 held another historical election in the United States. Republicans took greater control over the Senate, while the predicted “Blue Wave” only somewhat hit the House of Representatives with Democrats taking over a majority of seats.

The Eastern Echo

The Reckless Spending Argument has No Credibility


I am writing to respond to the frequent claim made by conservative-Republicans that Democrats in the Congress and in the liberal part of the news media support "RECKLESS SPENDING" by the federal government on programs that help people.   

The Eastern Echo

Why I’m Voting for Democratic Candidates on November 6th


This year, all statewide offices are on the ballot. Michiganders will choose a new governor, attorney general, secretary of state, and local representatives and senators among other elected positions. These make up the backbone of the state government and are extremely important in making key decisions that will affect Michigan for years to come. Since 2011 Republicans have controlled all of these offices. This could all change next week.

The Eastern Echo

Why I Love the #MeToo Movement


Though it began as an outcry against Hollywood, the #Metoo movement has spread to create positive change in many different communities. The National Domestic Workers Association gained more membership, from nannies to farmers, to demand dignity and fairness in their various domestic workplaces. Finally, victims can speak out and voice their pain to an ever more attentive and acting audience. 

The Eastern Echo

Strengthening Friendships One Meal at a Time


The term “broke college student” is one that the 18-25-year-old knows far too well. Not only does it feel like being in college leads to a loss of money, but to a loss of friendships as well. How can these relationships be rekindled? How does grocery shopping and cooking help bring friends closer together? And most importantly, how do you pull together a quick meal together when you’re on a budget? 

The Eastern Echo

The Laughter: The Brett Kavanaugh Hearing and American Rape Culture


When a woman comes forward to state that she was sexually assaulted, how often is she not believed? How often is she asked, “What were you wearing?” “Had you been drinking?” “Are you sexually active?” How often is she told she was asking for it? How often do we hear when a man is accused of assault or rape that “his career is over” and that he’s “a good boy,” even when he’s over thirty years old?  

The Eastern Echo

McDonald's Workers are Protesting and You Should Be Too


McDonald's employees in ten different American cities walked out in protest of both improving anti-harassment training of employees as well as a higher minimum wage on Tuesday. An article in TIME Magazine about the strike attributed the #MeToo movement as reasoning for workers coming out now about treatment of cases of harassment.  

The Eastern Echo

Blade Runner 2049 a cinematic sequel for the ages


The ever-voracious appetite for nostalgia that has engulfed American media over the last decade has led to the resurrection and remaking of several television programs and calls for reunions of now-defunct musical groups. “The Nostalgia Factor” has so far seen varying results in the world of American cinema, with classic films such as “Wall Street” and the “Indiana Jones” franchise releasing sequels decades after their predecessors. These films were met with a lukewarm reception from viewers and critics alike. Looking to break this mold, “Blade Runner 2049” seeks to please viewers 35 years after the release of Ridley Scott’s original “Blade Runner” in 1982. 

It’s near the weekend, you know what that means; another podcast episode hosted by Julez DeShetler.

Episode four of Scoop on the Scene covers Oct. 12-18. During this week fall break and Homecoming are happening all at once. So, stay tuned for some campus fun everyday.

There will be football, fall fun, karaoke, cookouts, togetherness, and The Temptations! To catch all these events listen to the newest episode on Spotify now.

If you need a plan this week/weekend or if you have less than just five minutes to spare, stay up to date on all things going on and around EMU campus. 

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