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The Eastern Echo Thursday, March 6, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


unity mural

EMU comes together to paint history


Almost 200 volunteers from all over Eastern Michigan University and the Ypsilanti community came to dedicate their time and efforts to paint 300 square feet of canvas. The mural is meant to represent the timeline of EMU and Ypsilanti divided into three sections: past activism, present, and future ambitions.

The Eastern Echo

Board of Regents Announce New Health Center


YPSILANTI - Friday, Feb. 9, the Eastern Michigan University Board of Regents announced their plans to build a new primary urgent care facility on campus. This will be in collaboration with Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital, and Integrated Healthcare Associates (IHA).

The Eastern Echo

EMU's Decision to Work with Academic Partnerships


YPSILANTI, MI – Recently there has been controversy between Eastern Michigan University and the American Association of University Professors (EMU-AAUP), headed by Union President, Judith Kullberg. The Union and faculty supporters are displeased with the terms of the contract made between EMU and Academic Partnerships (AP). 

The Eastern Echo

Philosophy department hosts first lecture of winter speaker series


Frustrated by the countless essays from his students on how men are oppressed as men, Higgins decided to present his research on how these claims can be flawed. In his lecture, “Three Hypotheses for Explaining the Alleged Oppression of Men,” he presents his findings and his own commentary following a questions from the attendees.

The Eastern Echo

Is EMU really safe?


More than 50 crimes involving sexual assault, theft, burglary, violence, vandalism, and harassments were reported on EMU’s campus within the first two months of the 2017 fall semester, according to the daily crime log. 

The Eastern Echo

EMU student Marawan Saadeldin talks on travel from Egypt


Eastern Michigan University’s newest ad campaign “You Are Welcome Here” shows that the university is proud to be a second home to many of the international students who decided to come to the United States and study there. One of the many international students that the university is host to is Marawan Saadeldin, an urban planning major and GIS minor from Alexandria, Egypt. 

Renowned journalist Beimeng Fu recalls her COVID-19 reporting experience on this weeks episode of Women Journalist COVID-19 Experiences. Check out this latest episode on Spotify! Or you can listen to their full unedited conversation at the Eastern Michigan University Archive website.