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The Eastern Echo Thursday, March 6, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


2019 December Regular Board Meeting

Housing and meal plan rates to increase for fall 2020


The Eastern Michigan University Board of Regents unanimously voted during the Regular Board Meeting to increase on-campus housing rates by an average of 2.94% and university meal plan rates by 2.95%. According to the university the increase in housing is aimed at helping offset “deferred maintenance costs [costs]“ related to on-campus housing.

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Business and Finance Committee ends semester with generous allocations


The Business and Finance Committee allocated 7% of the budget to club hockey after giving them no funding at the previous allocation meeting. Senators also allocated a total of $3,508 to student organizations during the meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 10. This will be Student Government’s last meeting until after winter break. The next meeting will be a Senate meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 7.

EMU awards special recognition to minority and international students

EMU awards special recognition to minority and international students


Students of color and international students received special recognition at the Multicultural Graduation Celebration for Fall 2019. Graduates received stoles of their choice to represent their culture, heritage and academic success. A Multicultural Graduation Celebration will also be held for Winter 2020 graduates.

The Eastern Echo

Student Senate unanimously passes resolution asking for the president and provost to support the creation of a Housing Insecurity Fund


Passed in a 17-0 vote on Dec. 3 by EMU student senate, the resolution asks for the president and provost’s support in creating a housing insecurity fund, as well as to allow students to donate excess meal swipes and flex dollars to Swoops Food Pantry, and provide students who use Swoops Food Pantry hour-long parking passes when accessing Swoop’s.

Ypsilanti Police Station

Police Blotter: Dec. 2 - Dec. 7


The police blotter is a report of criminal activity in Ypsilanti and Eastern Michigan University during the week of Dec. 2 through Dec. 7

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EMU student body Senators discuss housing insecurity, mental health crises, and other student concerns on campus


Senators brought up concerns regarding food insecurity, student homelessness and housing insecurity, disorganization within EMU facilities, and the lack of funding for Counseling and Psychological Services at EMU. Senators brought up these topics during the Senate meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 19 to make the Student Body Government aware of these issues so that plans of action can be made.

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Poetry reflects life inside Women's Huron Valley Correctional Facility


On Tuesday, Nov. 19, "The Writers' Bloc: Poetry from Inside Women's Huron Valley Correctional Facility," served as the third and final segment in this semester's Star Lecture Series, titled, "Ideas into Action." A panel of volunteer facilitators and poets shared their experiences in a poetry workshop held within the women’s correctional facility just twenty minutes from EMU’s campus.

Affordable Health Insurance Event 2019

OWCR provides students with access to affordable health insurance


The Office of Wellness and Community Responsibility (OWCR) hosted an affordable health insurance event on Nov. 20 in the EMU Student Center. Certified enrollment agents from the Washtenaw Health Initiative (WHI) spoke with students to help them look for the best insurance plan based on their coverage needs and financial plan.  

Renowned journalist Beimeng Fu recalls her COVID-19 reporting experience on this weeks episode of Women Journalist COVID-19 Experiences. Check out this latest episode on Spotify! Or you can listen to their full unedited conversation at the Eastern Michigan University Archive website.