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The Eastern Echo Thursday, March 6, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


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EMU announces “EMU Single Room Guarantee”


EMU announced its "EMU Single Room Guarantee” where any student that requests a single room will receive one at $1,700 less per academic year than a single room normally costs. Students who wish to have a roommate will continue to have that option.

Gallery: Black Lives Matter protests continue in Ypsilanti on Saturday, June 6

Ypsilanti BLM protests draws several hundred people


On Saturday, June 6, a peaceful, Black Lives Matter demonstration took place in Ypsilanti with approximately several hundred participants to protest police brutality against Black people in the United States. Protesters marched peacefully from the Ypsilanti District Library to the Ypsilanti Police Department.

The Eastern Echo

UPDATE: Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office further addresses recent accusation of excessive force


The Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office put out a media release on May 26 following a shooting incident and excessive force from a deputy in Ypsilanti Township. A neighbor recorded a Facebook Live video of a white deputy repeatedly punching a black woman in the head. Investigations are ongoing for both the initial shooting case and the excessive force used by the deputy. 

The Eastern Echo

President Trump to speak at Ypsilanti's Ford Rawsonville Plant on Thursday


President Trump is expected to speak at the Ford Rawsonville Components Plant regarding Ford Motor Company's collaboration General Electric Healthcare in an effort to build 50,000 ventilators in 100 days. The visit comes as part of the president's nationwide tour to thank businesses who aided in the effort to produce personal protective equipment (PPE) and other medical equipment in the effort against  the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The Eastern Echo

Podcast: May 18 , 2020


University President James Smith announces a plan to reopen the university in the fall, EMU partners with U of M and other state universities to aid local governments, and certain local business see an unexpected increase in sales.


Local bicycle shops experience a sudden boom of sales during pandemic


Two Michigan-based bicycle shops, Wheels in Motion and Tree Fort Bike, experienced unexpected rapid growth of bicycle sales in wake of the social distancing restrictions in Michigan due to the pandemic. Nationally, cycling has suddenly become super popular as it is a healthy exercise and adheres to social distancing practices.

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EMU collaborates with other Michigan universities to provide fiscal guidance to struggling local governments during the COVID-19 crisis


Local governments will soon be faced with difficult choices because of how their revenue sources are impacted by the coronavirus crisis. In a partnership with the University of Michigan’s CLOSUP, EMU and other Michigan universities are aiming to provide local governments with expert advice on how to navigate through the economic fallout of the coronavirus crisis.  

Renowned journalist Beimeng Fu recalls her COVID-19 reporting experience on this weeks episode of Women Journalist COVID-19 Experiences. Check out this latest episode on Spotify! Or you can listen to their full unedited conversation at the Eastern Michigan University Archive website.