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The Eastern Echo Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


The Eastern Echo

Pakastani troops move to risky area to make new strikes


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan – The move by Pakistan’s military into the Taliban and al-Qaida stronghold of South Waziristan on Saturday launched a risky offensive widely seen as the key to crushing a militancy that has destabilized the nuclear-armed nation. The challenges are daunting: The military will face unforgiving terrain along the Afghan border that has long been viewed as a possible hide-out for Osama bin Laden, as well as a battle-hardened enemy likely to respond by stepping up bloody attacks across the country.

The Eastern Echo

Japanese government has tough budget choices to face


TOKYO – Now all the budgetary requests by government entities have been made, the Cabinet will face two choices: either turn a blind eye to the nation’s huge debt and place priority on realizing the ruling bloc’s campaign pledges, or avoid further issuance of government bonds and give up on certain campaign pledges. The government of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama effectively bloated the total amount of budgetary requests to realize campaign pledges made for the Aug.

The Eastern Echo

EMU offers autism education and services


The Autism Collaborative Center, a place for individuals and families struggling with autism, is opening its doors on Eastern Michigan University’s campus this fall with an open house on Wednesday. The center will offer services to the community as well as interdisciplinary learning for students at EMU.

The Eastern Echo

Aggravated assault on Huron Drive under police investigation


Police are investigating an aggravated assault that took place near Eastern Michigan University Monday, according to a release from EMU Police. According to an e-mail release to the “campus community” this afternoon, an EMU student was assaulted by three men on the 800 block of Huron River Drive near Ann Street at 9 p.m.

The Eastern Echo

Afghan War Holbrooke's toughest career challenge


KABUL – The American envoy’s armed convoy rumbled through Kabul’s dusty streets, stopping at one polling place, then another as Afghans voted in their first contested presidential election. In the August heat, Richard Holbrooke watched the voting with a mixture of concern and satisfaction.

20090924 Nuclear nations

Russia rejects talk about trade sanctions for Iran


MOSCOW — If Hillary Clinton was hoping to win Russian support for efforts to use a threat of sanctions to pressure Iran to come clean about its nuclear ambitions, her first trip to Moscow as secretary of state got off to a rocky start Tuesday.

The Eastern Echo

Police Blotter


10/9 A locked vehicle allegedly was broken into at the Convocation Center between 6:30 and 10:15 p.m.

The Eastern Echo

Fire Department to bill for services


The Ypsilanti Fire Department hopes to generate as much as $36,000 a year in revenue after City Council approved the ability to bill for services. An ordinance approved unanimously on second reading by City Council Tuesday allows the department to bill for costs rendered during emergency calls, unless the call is a structure fire.

The Eastern Echo

Grad rates among the lowest in Michigan


Eastern Michigan University is struggling to graduate its students even as it has remained one of the more affordable university options. According to a study recently released by College Results Online, which is run by a non-profit organization, The Education Trust, only 38.8 percent of EMU students will earn a degree within six years of enrolling.

Journalist talks Arab-Israeli conflict


Freelance journalist Alison Weir, founder and executive director of the Web site and non-profit organization “If Americans Knew,” will be coming to Eastern Michigan University’s campus.

The Eastern Echo

Municipal employee's union files grievance in Ypsilanti Township


Ypsilanti Township’s municipal employees union have filed a grievance against the township. Township officials said the local chapter of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Union filed its grievance shortly after the Township reduced hours for municipal employees to 32 hours a week.

The Eastern Echo

Obama: Nobel prize a 'call to action' not award for past accomplishments


WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama, who has pledged to place diplomacy ahead of confrontation in world affairs, won the Nobel Prize for Peace on Friday, a remarkable and controversial honor for a leader nine months in office. Obama, as if acknowledging the unusual nature of the award, accepted it “as a call to action” rather than as a reward for past accomplishments. “This award must be shared with everyone who strives for justice and dignity,” Obama said at a Rose Garden appearance. The gold medallion given to recipients of the prize does not come with a ribbon, but the award could end up being a weight around Obama’s neck. Intended to honor how Obama has altered the nation’s diplomatic direction, the peace prize is likely to call attention to how much of the administration’s agenda – from closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay to winding down the war in Iraq – remains undone. The prize also poses political risks for a president routinely depicted by Republicans as more focused on seeking international approval than defending the security interests of the United States. That criticism could be compounded if Obama rejects the military’s request for an additional 40,000 troops in Afghanistan. Mindful of such perils, the president sought to downplay the significance of the Nobel, describing it as a “means to give momentum” to causes that others also embrace, and saying, “To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve” it. The award undoubtedly carries benefits.

AbdurRahman Elder, a student working with Louie The Lightening Bug, goes in depth about children's electrical safety. Hosts Queso Tone (Antonio Byrd) and Matt McFarlin get insight into working with young children and providing an engaging and fun way of learning. Check out this week's episode of the Eastern Echo Podcast!