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The Eastern Echo Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


The Eastern Echo

Adults return to school to beat poor job market


Miami — For the new school year, Ramil Anonuevo got a new backpack on wheels. He borrowed books to get a head start. And he found a study buddy: his 11-year-old son, Aaron, who joins him at the dinner table. Anonuevo, 42, just started an accelerated nursing program at Miami-Dade College.


Pope, on London trip, apologizes for abuse scandal


LONDON – Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday condemned as “unspeakable crimes” the child sex-abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church, as more than 10,000 people demonstrated in London against his official visit to Britain. During a mass celebrated in London, the 83-year-old German-born pontiff also expressed his “deep sorrow” to the victims of abuse by priests, which — for the first time — he classified as crimes. Emotions ran high on the third day of the pope’s state visit to Britain Saturday, with both supporters and opponents of the Roman Catholic Church making their views forcefully known. The pope’s remarks came as critics of the papal visit and victims of child abuse marched through central London, accusing the pontiff of “protecting pedophile priests.” But as the demonstrators — among them victims of abuse, human rights campaigners and gay rights groups — wound their way along Piccadilly, in the center of the British capital, the pope held a surprise private meeting with five victims of clerical sex abuse. A spokeswoman for the Catholic Church said the pope had expressed his “deep sorrow and shame” to the victims in what was described as an “emotional meeting.” Later, thousands lined the tree-lined avenues around Buckingham Palace to catch a glimpse of the pontiff as he rode in his Popemobile to Hyde Park, where 80,000 people gathered for a prayer vigil led by the pope. The pope’s outspoken condemnation of the child abuse scandal, which has rocked the Catholic Church in many European countries, the U.S., Canada and Australia, came during a mass celebrated in London’s Westminster Cathedral, the principal Catholic church of England and Wales. Among the 2,000-strong congregation were a large number of dignitaries from church and public life, among them the former prime minister, Tony Blair, Britain’s most prominent contemporary convert to Catholicism. “Here, too, I think of the immense suffering caused by the abuse of children, especially within the church and by her ministers,” the pope said in his sermon. “Above all, I express my deep sorrow to the innocent victims of these unspeakable crimes, along with my hope that the power of Christ’s grace, his sacrifice of reconciliation, will bring deep healing and peace to their lives.” The pope went on to acknowledge the “shame and humiliation, which all of us have suffered because of these sins,” and expressed his gratitude for the efforts being made to address the problem responsibly. “I ask all of you to show your concern for the victims and solidarity with your priests,” he said. “It was a good apology, he seemed to really mean it, he was genuinely sorry,” said Martin Brown, a 34-year-old Englishman who had come to listen to the pope. But the demonstrators offered a different view. “The pope keeps apologizing for the failings of everyone but himself,” said gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell, a co-organizer of the protests. Sue Cox, a 63-year-old Briton who said she was herself a victim of clerical sex abuse, also dismissed the apology and warned that the Vatican would “not get away with overlooking clerical sex abuse.” “The days of popes are over.

The Eastern Echo

Police Blotter


Sept. 15 A student was cited for a minor in possession of alcohol in Walton Residence Hall around 1:31 p.m. A vehicle was keyed in North Campus Lot at 8:10 a.m.

The Eastern Echo

Renters insurance protects from theft


An increasing number of college students are falling victim to theft and burglary; however, there is something that can be done to cover the potential loss of belongings. Insurance is something that comes to mind when thinking about purchasing a home, but college students are now being advised to consider it as well. According to the FBI’s Crime in the United States 2009 report, there were an estimated 9,320,971 property crime offenses that took place in the nation.

20080324 Disability

DRC strives to make EMU easier on disabled


Eastern Michigan University has a wealth of free resources available to its students to help them succeed during their college careers. An example of these resources is the Disability Resource Center, formerly known as the Students with Disabilities Office. One of the DRC’s main goals is to collaborate with students, faculty and staff to create an educational environment inclusive to all. According to Dr. Adam Meyer, senior director of student success within Academic Affairs, the DRC is one of 22 national higher education disability offices that is part of a federal grant project dedicated to redesigning how campus disability services are coordinated and provided throughout campus. “The main premise of the project is that the environment is more disabling than the disability,” he said.

The Eastern Echo

Police Blotter


Sept. 12 Nonstudents were seen arguing near the mailroom shipping and were issued disturbing the public peace around 7:04 p.m. A subject was arrested for possession of stolen credit cards on Huron River Drive around 6:35 p.m. A 1997 Honda Civic was stolen from the 2000 block of Ellsworth Road.

The Eastern Echo

Dining Services opt to include new cafes


Many subtle and noticeable changes have been made to dining services this year at Eastern Michigan University.Larry Gates, the director of dining services, said there have been new cafés added around campus and two were remodeled.

The Eastern Echo

Young voters identify less as democrats


In 2008, the young voter demographic was overwhelmingly Democratic, but according to a Pew Research Center survey there are significantly less young people identifying themselves as Democrats now.

The Eastern Echo

Police Blotter


Sept. 7 —At Walton Residence Hall, an intoxicated minor was cited at 2:50 a.m. A subject was found to be in possession of narcotic paraphernalia at 11:03 a.m.

The Eastern Echo

EMU-AAUP reaches agreement with administration


Eastern Michigan University and its faculty union reached a tentative agreement Tuesday to give faculty a pay raise of 3 percent in two years. The agreement includes a two-year contract, and the union will have a ratification vote Sept.

Introducing The Eastern Echo’s newest event and news based podcast, Scoop on the Scene. These weekly episodes will be hosted by the organization’s Digital Editor, Julez DeShetler. She intends to bring awareness to the events happening on an around campus to Echo listeners. 

DeShetler’s goal with the podcast is to encourage students and community members to get involved in an educated, safe and fun manner. She will list various events to choose from in addition to sharing the key details of said events. 

These podcasts can be expected to come out near the weekends and be no longer than 10-15 minutes.

For the week of Sept. 14 to Sept. 20, DeShetler includes events such as sports, a pub crawl, yoga, a movie in the park, Study Abroad Fair and training sessions. 

Be sure to tune in weekly to stay up to date on all the Eastern Michigan and Ypsilanti amusement!

Listen to this week’s episode here: