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The Eastern Echo Sunday, March 30, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


The Eastern Echo

Movie Review: Batman v Superman


Three years ago, a rumor started swirling around the fan boys and girls and social media spaces that at some point in the near future two of the worlds most iconic comic book characters would be coming to the big screen in a battle that had never been seen before. Three years of shocks, awes, casting, backlash, pre-production, re-writes, re-shoots and release dates later, Zack Snyder and Warner Brothers follow up to Man of Steel (2013) with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016). Yes, for the first time ever Batman and Superman go head to head in a climactic battle that is supposed to shake up super hero movies and fans and haters forever.

The Eastern Echo

Deadpool knocks it dead


From comic to screen, Deadpool from 20th Century Fox flies, slices and dices and rocks its slapstick humor to the big screen this year. And boy was it a laugh out loud riot.

The Eastern Echo

Steve Jobs film to play at Student Center this Friday


Opening this Friday in the Ballroom of the Student Center, the film Steve Jobs will be showing for students’ entertainment at 8:00 and 10:30 p.m. From Legendary Pictures, Steve Jobs is directed by Danny Boyle and stars Michael Fassbender and Kate Winslet.

The Eastern Echo

DiCaprio shines in new film, The Revenant


On January 7, at 8 p.m., my significant other and I made our way over to the Rave Cinema on Carpenter Road to check out Leonardo DiCaprio’s latest movie, The Revenant, directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu. What I found was so unexpected, different and refreshing, I left the movie theatre with a feeling of intense excitement and awe.

The Eastern Echo

Campus Life brings new films for winter semester


Presented by Eastern Michigan University’s Campus Life, the following films: The Good Dinosaur, Fruitvale Station, Star Wars: The Force Awakens and more will be headed to the big screen in the Student Center Auditorium and the Halle Library Auditorium for a free movie screening this semester.

Ant-Man brings action, laughs on Friday night


Marvel's Ant Man played at the Student Center on Friday night. The mostly packed auditorium frequently burst into laughter over a dozen times during the movie. Ant Man is a very enjoyable, funny, no nonsense action movie that doesn't take itself all that seriously.

The Eastern Echo

The American Sniper

The movie American Sniper has been the most talked about movie of 2015 thus far. It has had rave reviews as well as harsh criticism.

The Eastern Echo

Daniel Radcliffe's performance the only thing worth watching 'Horns' for


Daniel Radcliffe goes from boy wizard to something quite demonic in his newest film work, Horns. He plays a young man named Ig who is accused of murdering his girlfriend, a crime which he knows that he didn't commit.  The urge to get back at those who wronged him manifests as something quite frightening indeed - a pair of horns that sprout from his head, giving him a devilish image and eventually dark powers that get stronger as the film goes on.

The Eastern Echo

A not so fright night


Of course one of the things people like most about Halloween is getting scared, but not everyone likes scary movies.

Renowned journalist Beimeng Fu recalls her COVID-19 reporting experience on this weeks episode of Women Journalist COVID-19 Experiences. Check out this latest episode on Spotify! Or you can listen to their full unedited conversation at the Eastern Michigan University Archive website.