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The Eastern Echo Sunday, March 9, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


The Eastern Echo

P!nk’s Forward-Thinking Parenting Style


American popstar and activist P!nk said in a recent interview that she is raising her children in a label-less household to allow them to feel free to discover their own sexuality and gender expression, and it has sparked a discussion.

Green New Deal

Jolly Green Nightmare


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., introduced her proposal for the Green New Deal this past Thursday. The Green New Deal promises instant action on climate change and promises economic stability to all American citizens. There are some troubling aspects of the proposal, however.


Feminism Isn’t A Bad Word


Over the past few years, the feminist movement has been beaten down and given a negative connotation, but it’s only being misunderstood.  

The Eastern Echo

The 91st Annual Oscar Nominations


On Jan. 22, the 91st annual Academy Award nominations were announced. While there were some disappointments, there's a lot to unpack regarding the lineup of nominations.

The Eastern Echo

A New Night Out For EMU Students


Local rapper and entrepreneur Anthony Meeks and his team of nine have created a new nightlife social event for students at EMU, and it’s gaining traction quick.  

The Eastern Echo

How To Overcome The January Blues


The holiday season has passed and January is upon us. Although it just seems like a new month, there is something about this time of year that needs to be talked about more. 

Dark Sky Over US Capitol Building

26 Days Later: The Shutdown Needs To End


As of Jan. 16, the government shutdown has lasted twenty-six days. It is now the longest shutdown in U.S. history. How concerned should the average citizen be, and what are the effects of such a long shutdown? 

People Watching Basketball Court

What’s New In The NBA


With the holiday season come and gone and the football season in the past, it’s time to focus on the wonderful sport of basketball. 

Person Holding Black Phone

Social Media's Impact on Body Image


Whether it’s photos at the beach, a night out with friends, or selfies with your cat, we all tend to share the best parts of our life on social media. But for some people, social media has turned into something much more serious. 

Person Measuring Waist

How To Meet Your New Year's Resolutions


The arrival of a new year comes with the opportunity to have a fresh start in life. From losing weight and hitting the gym, to putting time aside to study, whatever resolution you want to fulfill for 2019, these four tips can help you meet your goals. 

Jewish Lives Taken by a White Supremacist

How Should We Address Prejudice On Campus


On Dec. 9, a journalist for the Eastern Echo reported that a message condemning anti-semitism on the freedom walls had been tampered with. Remaining silent when this kind of speech emerges sends a message of consent. The students of EMU stand with the Jewish community as we fight to create a more unified campus. 

Senator Harris Official Senate Portrait

Is Kamala Harris The Next Progressive Champion?


As a biracial woman, Kamala Harris made history as the first Indian-American to serve in the Senate, and just the second African-American woman to do so. As one of the more popular potential candidates for the 2020 race, will she also become the first woman president?

Photo Of Green Leafed Plants

Holiday Self Care


The holidays are coming up, and most of us are getting ready to head home for winter break. Balancing the pros and cons of leaving for break can be daunting, but I break down some things to be thankful for and ways to cope with stressful families.

Amy Klobuchar Official Portrait

Democrats Aren’t Looking For Pragmatic


Klobuchar is a centrist democrat, mirroring many of the policy positions of Hillary Clinton in 2016. One of her campaign values involves fixing and expanding the Affordable Care Act and expanding existing programs like social security and medicaid. She’s also made it a priority to reduce prescription drug prices by boosting competition and allowing imported medicine from Canada.

Student Stressed About His Finals

Five Myths About Finals Week


The amounts of pressure students feel the need to place on themselves when finals week rears its ugly head every year is, in all honesty, too extreme. The following are some myths surrounding finals preparation and why you shouldn’t be worried.  

Red Semi Truck On The Road

It’s Time to Talk About Job Automation


It is estimated that as many as half of American workers have the potential to find their jobs replaced by technology in the next couple of decades. With a shifting technological landscape, will job growth keep pace with job loss?

Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.

Bernie 2020


What propelled Sanders from being a relatively unknown Senator from Vermont to a household name was his populist campaign that promised Americans an economy that works for everyone, not just the wealthy. His message resonated with those who are tired of the status quo. 

NFL Logo

Should We Look Forward To The Future NFL?


Last Monday was one of the most exciting football games I have ever witnessed. The Kansas City Chiefs took on the Los Angeles Rams in a battle that best compared to Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali exchanging punches through 15 rounds. By the end of the game both teams totaled 105 points, 1001 yards and 7 turnovers. I loved it. 

Brown And White Print Board

Beto 2020


The 2018 election has officially wrapped up and whispers of potential candidates to face President Trump in 2020 have begun to spread. Beto O’Rourke is one of those people. 

Renowned journalist Beimeng Fu recalls her COVID-19 reporting experience on this weeks episode of Women Journalist COVID-19 Experiences. Check out this latest episode on Spotify! Or you can listen to their full unedited conversation at the Eastern Michigan University Archive website.