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The Eastern Echo Wednesday, March 26, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo



The University Advising & Career Development Center Etiquette Dinner

The University Advising & Career Development Center Etiquette Dinner hosted an etiquette dinner March 13, 2025, that gave students an opportunity to learn and practice proper skills and tips for hosting and enjoying a formal dinner event. Participants and organizers talk in this video about why the event was beneficial.


Max McDonald reflects on a year of success at Find and Shine Antiques

In downtown Ypsilanti, Max McDonald talks about his journey with handling antiques, his experiences at his shop at 6 North Huron St., as he shows off some of his favorite items.


Exercise science student Iyana Chapman launches Pilates career

In an interview with staff reporter Asia O'Quinn, Eastern Michigan University exercises science student Iyana Chapman talks about her interest in the industry, and her goals for launching her own business. Chapman teaches Pilates at Move in Ann Arbo. She also teaches at Club Pilates and Best of Life Pilates, both in Ann Arbor.


Ypsilanti business leaders discuss First Fridays

Created in 2013, First Fridays Ypsilanti is designed to connect local artists and businesses by hosting an evening -- on every First Friday of the month -- with all businesses downtown and Depot Town participating in art and music events, restaurant specials and gallery openings. First Fridays are held April through December.


Students exhibit carving skills at Pumpkins on the Patio

Dozens of Eastern students participated in the Pumpkins on the Patio event held Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2024, just outside the student center on campus. Students carved the pumpkins into Jack-o-lanterns and competed for prizes, and fun.


EMU students, alumni gather for Red Wings game

EMU students and alumni attend the Red Wings game Jan. 27, 2024, at Little Ceaser's Arena for Eastern Michigan University Night, hosted by the EMU Alumni Association.


Winter Fest 2024

Club members discuss their organizations at Winter Fest 2024 held Jan. 16, 2024, at the Student Center on Eastern Michigan University's campus. Winterfest is an event that helps students connect with various activities and organizations.


‘Fresh Looks’ exhibit showcases a variety of student art

Artwork in the University Gallery in the Student Center, in the exhibit "Fresh Looks," displays the work of Eastern Michigan University art students. The exhibit is on display through Feb. 9, 2024.


Rec/IM hosts a wellness fest

Eastern Michigan University's Rec/IM program hosts a Wellness Fest on Feb. 1, 2024, in an effort to engage students in healthy activities. Eastern Echo reporter Sarai Yanes interviews the organizers and those enjoying the activities.


The Eastern Echo is ...

The Eastern Echo and the student media team are focused on taking the news operation into the future with an emphasis on multimedia delivery and good old-fashioned, strong reporting tools. Journalism is changing, but the work journalists produce is as necessary as ever. The team created this video to demonstrate that work and commitment.

Renowned journalist Beimeng Fu recalls her COVID-19 reporting experience on this weeks episode of Women Journalist COVID-19 Experiences. Check out this latest episode on Spotify! Or you can listen to their full unedited conversation at the Eastern Michigan University Archive website.