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The Eastern Echo Tuesday, March 25, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

EagleCon 2025 10

Cellar Roots celebrates the launch of 51st volume of student art magazine

The annual edition of Cellar Roots, Eastern Michigan University's Fine Arts Magazine, is now available.

Cellar Roots compiles student-submitted multi-discipline works, including photographs, poetry, prose and artwork.

Editor-in-Chief Madison Cantrell said that the design for this volume aimed to accentuate the work of artist Clara Engel, whose piece "Mother Nature" is featured on the front cover.

Lead Graphic Designer Laurence Bourdeau discussed his hopes for the design of this edition.

"I had a vision of it being cool, exciting and different, but not getting in the way of the work itself that was put in by the artists," Bourdeau said.

A jury votes on submissions based on their category: poetry/prose, photography/digital, 2D media, and 3D media.

Each category has three jurors, including EMU students, professors and local artists.

This year, poetry/prose jurors are Aryana Jharia, Molly Pershin Raynor and Ameera Salman. Photography/digital jurors are Madison Cantrell, Takeisha Jefferson and Chris Reilly. 2D media jurors are Nia Crutcher, Brian Spolans and Lisse Williams, and 3D media jurors are Margeaux Claude, John DeHoog and Kristen Holsworth.

Editions are available for $20 at Amazon, or students can email to schedule a pickup of their copy.

All sales from the yearly magazine help pay for publishing costs and general operating expenses.

Cellar Roots operates as a student organization at EMU, and to encourage people to join, Cellar Roots gets involved on and off campus.

Cantrell said that the primary goal of Cellar Roots is to highlight student artists.

At Campus Life's EagleCon, Cellar Roots hosted a collage workshop and sold mystery editions at Handmade for the Holidays.

On March 27, 2025, Cellar Roots will join The Eastern Echo at EMU's Student Media Gala, where copies will be available for purchase at a donation price. On March 29, 2025, they will table at the first annual Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor Zine Jamboree. Both will be located at the Ypsilanti Freighthouse.

To celebrate the launch of the 51st volume, Cellar Roots has partnered with Intermedia Gallery Group to feature jury-selected works in their Student Center Gallery for the entirety of April.

They will host an opening reception on April 3, 2025 from 6 to 9 p.m. in that space, with an open mic happening from 7 to 9 p.m.

"I'm excited for these talented artists to see their hard work on display," Cantrell said. "The EMU art community is vibrant, and I'm honored that I got to facilitate this experience."

Cellar Roots is always looking for new members and interested board members. Students are encouraged to apply for any position that interests them. To apply, email a resume, portfolio and cover letter to