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The Eastern Echo Monday, March 17, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Career Fair 2024

6 skills employers want you to have

College is a critical time for students to start preparing for their long-term careers.

Despite the abundance of career advice that many students receive, one thing that may remain confusing is the question of what skills employers in 2025 value most.

After all, resumes and professional networks are important. But to stand out in an increasingly competitive job market, students need to demonstrate that they have the skills and knowledge employers need. 

So what are those skills, and how can students build them?

Hard Skills

Hard skills are skills that people learn through education and practice. Here are some particularly important ones to consider for the 2025 job market.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a force already shaping employment. According to a 2024 article by Kristalina Georgieva, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, AI has impacted nearly 40% of employment around the world, and in highly developed economies, it may affect approximately 60% of jobs. No matter which field students are going into, it will be important for them to understand the impacts of AI and develop a user-level knowledge of it.

Programming Skills

Computer programming skills are highly in-demand. According to a 2024 Forbes article by Alejandro Oses, the most valuable computer languages to know are SQL, Python and Java. Those languages may sound intimidating, but learning more about them does not have to be. To gain a better understanding of SQL, Python and Java, students do not have to be Computer Science majors or even enrolled in Computer Science classes. By simply taking an introductory course online, students can learn the basics and set themselves up for greater success in the job market. LinkedIn Learning has similar courses that students can access.

Even students not going into computer science or technological fields can benefit from having some basic knowledge of programming. Computer programs are often used to analyze data, and data analysis is a key component of many jobs, not just those in technology. Learning programming also builds strong analytical skills that are useful in any occupation.

Foreign Language

As the workplace becomes increasingly globalized, it will be more and more important for those entering the job market to know, or at least start learning, another language. Those who speak another language have greater opportunities for communication. According to Deborah Evans, a former writing consultant at the Ross School of Business, knowing or learning another language also shows respect for other people and their cultures.

"It shows that you're interested in learning about another culture and that you've demonstrated an appreciation for cultural differences, which is useful in our globalized economy," said Evans. 

Soft Skills

Just as important as hard skills are soft skills, which refer to social and emotional skills and personal characteristics. Here are some of the most critical soft skills for success in the 2025 job market.


According to Oses, adaptability is one of the most in-demand skills in 2025. The world is changing rapidly, and so is the workplace. Those stepping into their careers must be able to adapt to those changes by keeping an open mind and viewing mistakes as learning experiences. "Maintaining an open mindset to experimentation is key," writes Oses.


Enthusiasm is an especially important soft skill for students and recent graduates. They may not have years of work experience, but by showing enthusiasm about the fields they want to pursue, they can show employers that they are interested, engaged and committed to doing their best work. According to a 2024 publication from the U.S. Office of Disability Employment Policy, candidates who show enthusiasm during their interview process are more likely to make a positive impression on their interviewers and employers.


Problems are part of life. What can set people apart is how they respond to those problems. In life and in the workplace, it is important to demonstrate resilience by bouncing back from difficulties and continuing to move forward.

According to Evans, "Resilience is probably the most important characteristic for success in the workplace. Employers are looking for flexible, adaptable people who can roll with the punches, bounce back from adversity and tackle the next challenge."


Finding a job in 2025's competitive market can be stressful, but there are many things students can do to help themselves stand out as strong candidates. One of the most important steps they can take is developing the skills that will help them stand out. As students learn, grow and nurture those skills, they can look ahead to a bright future.