‘Missing You’ is a limited series on Netflix based on Harlan Coben’s 2014 novel. Due to its thrilling storyline and plot twists, it is trending on Netflix. The show stars Rosalind Eleazar as Kat Donovan, Jessica Plummer as Stacey Embalo, and Ashley Walters as Josh Buchanan.
This show is about Detective Inspector Kat Donovan, who is on a mission to discover the true killer of her father. While she is on this journey, old questions come to light with her ex-fiance, Josh. He left her eleven years prior without a word and disappeared off the surface. She decides to understand why after she finds him again on a dating app, leading to an interesting plot twist.
The performance of Eleazar as Kat in ‘Missing You’ was impeccable. She portrayed this strong leading detective for the cases of missing persons in her department. She has this determination and fearlessness that she shows right at the beginning. The emotion she portrays as following her father’s footsteps is undeniable. She shows how much she valued her father and how he was her role model. This is critical to the series because Kat’s determination to discover her father’s death makes the plot twists unpredictable.
Another highlight was the plot twists, which kept the audience engaged throughout this short series. They kept the audience on their toes, trying to figure out who the real killer was. The truth behind her father’s death was unexpected, shocking fans.
Kat’s team in the show is Charlie (Charlie Hamblett) and Nia (Catherine Ayers). They are a highlight because they are loyal to Kat after she is suspended. Charlie is this tech genius who helps find missing persons through location or license plates. Nia is Kat’s right hand in the department and has her back regardless of the consequences. Their teamwork keeps the show intriguing with what they discover.
The last high is Kat’s friend, Stacey. She has this humorous personality that can lighten the mood within the show. She is Kat's best friend, and she helps her find Josh after eleven years. Stacey shows how much she cares for Kat even when she can sometimes be impulsive and protect Kat. Their friendship is strong and beautiful.
The film's weakness is the lack of background information on Josh and Kat’s relationship. Although they were engaged years ago, the film never describes their relationship or why Kat could never get over him. Another weakness is Kat’s father; everyone praises her father at the police department but never shows the audience why.
Another low was the show's predictability. Because of the simple plot, the investigation can sometimes be predictable. The show also made certain characters look guilty and suspicious, which led to predicting the series's real killer. The pacing issue was low because specific episodes were rushed. Not enough happening in a couple of episodes could have had more detail and understanding.
‘Missing You’ is worth watching for fans of true crime and thrilling shows. Although it is a limited series with only five episodes, its plot twists keep it interesting.
Rating: 6.5 out of 10
Mariam Fakhreddine is a film and theater reviewer for The Eastern Echo. She has worked as a news and features reporter for The Echo for two years.