Superior Township Park Commissioner
Seven positions on the commission are up for election, so voters may select up to seven candidates.
The township parks commission is responsible for the planning and development of park land and recreational activities for residents. The responsibility includes maintaining 11 buildings and parks. The commission includes seven members, who are elected to four-year terms. The commission meets the fourth Monday of each month at the old township hall, 3040 N. Prospect.
Candidate: Matthew Yahyai
Hometown: Superior Township
Party affiliation: N/A
Candidate: Gregory Vessels
Hometown: Superior Township
Party affiliation: Democratic
Public service: Vessels is currently serving as vice chairperson of the commission.
Candidate: Martha L. Kern-Boprie
Hometown: Superior Township resident for 57 years
Party affiliation: Democratic
Public service: Currently serving as a park commission
Experience: 12 years as Superior Township treasurer, 10 years as a Washtenaw County commissioner; and 16
years as a Superior Township parks commissioner
Education: Bachelor's and master's degrees in public administration
Priorities: Continue to enhance park facilities with barrier free playground equipment, establish walking programs, especially for senior citizens, collaborate with Washtenaw County on programming for the community center in the former Cheney school site. Presently we are installing ADA compliant sidewalks in each township park, with a goal of completing that target. As new playground equipment is acquired and installed, my goal is to maximize its accessibility features. We have non-motorized pathways throughout most of the urbanized area south of Geddes Road and between LeForge Rd on the west and Gotfredson Rd on the east. We have held walking programs targeted to senior citizens in the past that were grant funded. My goal is to re-establish this program. It will not cost much, as we still have the program design. The Community Center to be constructed on the site of the former Cheney school provides a tremendous opportunity for recreation programming. We collaborate now on this venture
Candidate: Curtis Freeman
Hometown: Superior Township
Party affiliation: Democratic
Candidate: Nahid Sanii-Yahyai
Hometown: Has lived in Superior Township for 19 years
Party affiliation: Democratic
Public service: Currently chairs the parks commission
Priorities: Values the township's rural atmosphere, expansive green spaces, wildlife, and proximity to urban areas; dedicated to environmental stewardship; committed to enhancing the township's natural beauty.
Candidate: Sharon Bryant-Phillips
Hometown: Superior Township
Party affiliation: Democratic
Candidate: Jack R. Smiley
Hometown: A resident of Superior Township for 14 years
Party affiliation: Democratic
Public service: Current parks commissioner
Experience: Founded the Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy in 1988 to acquire the LeFurge Woods Nature Preserve, Cherry Hill Nature Preserve, Secrest Nature Preserve, and the 100 acres south of Township Hall that are now named after him. Smiley also worked
with the County to acquire the Meyer Preserve, Kosch-Headwaters Preserve, Weatherbee Woods Preserve and Highland Preserve, better known to residents as Superior Greenway. As a volunteer, he successfully campaigned for the Township's $1 million grant application to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund.
Education: Background in business, biology, political science, and urban planning with degrees from Henry Ford Community College, the University of Michigan, and Wayne State University.
Priorities: Ensure that the Parks and Recreation Commission offers a wide range of recreational opportunities to residents. He is committed to actively cultivating the current land and preserves as they continue adding walkways. We should always pursue state
and federal grants to supplement local tax dollars. Using the grant from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund, Smiley hopes to establish a new preserve linking the Cherry Hill Nature Preserve with the Rock property, creating a 2.5-mile-long hiking trail and along with other recreational activity opportunities