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The Eastern Echo Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

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Holman Success Center to host Procrastination Elimination workshop

Holman Success Center is hosting a procrastination elimination workshop on September 11 at 6 p.m. in Halle Library with the goal of helping students learn different techniques to overcome procrastination and improve time management.

Graduate Assistant for Holman Success Center and Holman Success Coach, Caitlin Mahoney, came up with the workshop in response to a common issue she heard from students. 

“The most common question I get is ‘I have ADHD, I don’t know how to study, what should I do?’” Mahoney said. 

Professors tell students to simply look over their notes but that may not work for a student’s learning style or fit into their schedule, Mahoney said.

“I wanted to develop a workshop offering some alternative study skills that people may not have heard before,” Mahoney said. 

Mahoney says these skills may not guarantee that students will get everything done, but are meant to improve motivation and time management.

“I want students to work smarter, not harder,” Mahoney said. “Sometimes, you can study for three hours and get nothing done but you can also study for half an hour and get a lot done.” 

The workshop isn’t solely about eliminating procrastination, but it also focuses on managing your time wisely once you overcome procrastination, according to Mahoney.

“I had a really wonderful teacher in sixth grade who taught us how to plan out our days and utilize study time,” Mahoney said. “I still use the strategies he taught me when I was 11 or 12.” 

The workshop will consist of different ways to build motivation and momentum, study effectively, and avoid procrastination, according to Mahoney.

“We’re gonna talk about body doubling, reteaching, and other retrieval techniques,” Mahoney said. 

Mahoney also plans to emphasize the importance of taking breaks when studying.

“Giving yourself space and time is really important and overlooked,” Mahoney said. “It’s actually better for you to take breaks because you can study effectively in less time,”

Mahoney also wants to make students aware of all of the resources offered by the Holman Success Center.

Holman Success Center offers tutoring, study tables with rewards, and multiple workshops throughout the semester that tackle subjects such as job interviews, financial aid, using Linkedin, and more, according to Mahoney.

Mahoney also would like to emphasize the role of success coaches offered on campus. 

“Every student on campus has a success coach,” Mahoney said. “Whether they know it or not, we are here to help them. They can schedule meetings and have someone be like their personal trainer for college,”

Mahoney’s goal for the workshop is for students to feel empowered when approaching school work. 

“I want students to feel like school work isn’t so daunting and terrifying,” Mahoney said. “Making things accessible for students is my main goal.”