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The Eastern Echo Friday, Oct. 18, 2024 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

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The Intermedia Gallery Group looks to continue the tradition of student-ran galleries

Eastern Michigan University art students, along with the support of some faculty, are looking to increase the production of student-led exhibitions with the Intermedia Gallery Group (IGG). 

IGG, a student-run organization, has been hosting gallery shows and displaying student-made art since 1977. However, due to the pandemic and the loss of a gallery director, the gallery space that IGG holds in the Student Center was under-utilized.

To keep the decades-long tradition going, gallery program director Danny R.W. Baskin, and current president Travis Howell, are looking to recruit students and revive IGG in hopes of becoming more active in the upcoming fall semester.

Howell originally joined IGG so he could help display his art gallery. This inspired him to actually join the group and later become co-president in 2021. Since then, Howell has been president for the last three years, but this school year, Howell has been the only active member of the group.

“COVID really made the biggest difference. Since no one was doing anything in person, the shows were cancelled and folks who were once in the group graduated or moved on. By the time things started opening back up, there was only one member of IGG left, and that's a lot of work and pressure for just one person. He did a fantastic job continuing IGG and putting together shows, but a project like this really needs many hands and we're hopeful that with a larger group, more shows and programs can be developed regularly,” Baskin said in a statement.

On Wednesday, April 10, and Thursday, April 11, IGG held an informational meeting to help recruit the next generation of IGG members. The following week on April 18, before EMU’s American Institute of Graphic Arts hosted their “Take up Space” show in the gallery space, IGG met once again to start the planning for the upcoming school year. According to Baskin, this will be the last meeting until the summer break is over.

“I hope that we get more student shows in the Student Center Gallery as well as shows in alternative creative spaces and formats. There are so many ways of exhibiting art, and IGG has historically been on the cutting edge of that. I want to see what students come up with because it's sure to be interesting, exciting, and new. I also think after the lonely post-COVID years, we all need more community in our lives and I hope IGG can be a source of that community and joy for those that participate,” Baskin said.

Being his final year at IGG, Howell believes the boundaries are limitless for IGG’s future. Howell expressed that he hopes that more students join so they can be part of the magical atmosphere and energy.

“I'm excited to see what's in store for the group as it moves forward. There are so many talented, creative, hard working students that are sure to present interesting and dynamic exhibits in the coming years. This club has been around for over 50 years and I'm looking forward to seeing all the cool stuff they do in the next 50,” Baskin said.

To learn more about IGG or if a student is interested, they can contact or visit @intermediaemu for more information.