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The Eastern Echo Tuesday, March 11, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Jadein Black & EMU Students

What's the Move? Feb 19 - 25

Building a Culture of Caring - Feb. 19

As a part of the Brown Bag Mental Health and Equity Speaker Series, Dr. Cirleen DeBlaere and Dr. Jesse Owen, will speak at this event in Porter College of Education, room 203. The event runs from 12:15-1:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided.

Chemistry Seminar  - Feb. 19

Join University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute Pprofessor Melanie Ohi and EMU alumna Jacquelyn Roberts in a talk on how bacterial type IV secretion systems work and the functions. The talk runs from 4-5 p.m. in the Mark Jefferson Science Complex, room 171, and is LBC credit approved.

Flutist Jenny Shin Performance and Master Class - Feb. 20

See international flutist Jenny Shin perform and present a masterclass. The event will be held in the Alexander Music Building, choir room 109 from 2-4 p.m.

Star Lecture: Dr. Barbara Patrick - Feb. 20

Want to learn more about the Civil Rights Movement in the Deep South? Get on Zoom and listen to professor Barbara Patrick discuss economic, political, and social disparity and the strategies used to challenge racial segregation and discrimination. The event is running from 6:30-8 p.m. and is LBC approved.

Kings Casino Night - Feb. 21

Test your luck and play the odds to win prizes while hanging out with friends and playing card and tabletop games. Located in the Student Center Ballroom 7-9 p.m., there is no cost and free snacks provided.

PASIÓN ESPAÑOLA: Wind Symphony Concert - Feb. 21

Hear the many styles of music reflected in the dances of Spain from 7:30-9 p.m. in Pease Auditorium. The concert is free to attend and LBC approved.

“Black Intifada: The Roots and Legacies of Black and Palestinian Solidarity” - Feb. 22

Attend the in-person panel discussion or watch through Zoom livestream to learn more about Black and Palestinan solidarity. The event will be located in the Student Center Auditorium from 6-8 p.m.

EMU Orchestra Festival - Feb. 23

See high school orchestras from across the state perform in this event hosted by the EMU Symphony Orchestra. The event will be held all day in Pease Auditorium.

The Great Lakes Comic-Con - Feb 23-24

Meet your favorite comic book writers and artists at The Great Lakes Comic-Con in the The Macomb Expo Center of Macomb Community College. The event runs from 5-9 p.m. on Friday, and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday. The event cost ranges from $20-40, but children 10 and under are admitted for free.