It is freshly June, which means it is time to rearrange the playlist a little bit. Of course, there is nothing wrong with the songs that cycle through year-round, but when laying by the pool or cruising with the top down, it is ideal to have those songs that can take you there. Whether it be old or new, these songs will make the season timeless.
“Aquasun” - Basement
This song’s title is almost enough to justify it being a song for lounging by the lake. Not only that, but the song uses metaphors like diving underwater to meet their lover or loved one. If anything, this would be a great song to sway to in the middle of the night with one’s lover. The rhythm of the music makes this song perfect for those late-night dances, swims, and everything in between.
“Sunshine!” - Beartooth
This more recent pick is any metalhead’s summer dream. It will make someone

want to roll down the hood of their convertible and crank the volume once the
breakdown hits. The more acoustic tone of the chorus in some parts makes
vibing on the beach spectacular, and the more heavy parts of the song make it
perfect for cruising on the highway. “Sunshine!” is a song for any vacation occasion.

“Bad Behavior” - The Maine
There is the genre of yacht rock, and then there is this song. While yacht rock can be a snooze on occasion, “Bad Behavior” has an upbeat tone that is going to make that party on one of the Great Lakes an even better time. Its danceable nature is ideal for grooving on an anchored boat or speeding downstream (responsibly, of course).
“Wear U Down” - Teenage Wrist
“Wear U Down” is fitting music for sitting around a campfire

with friends, and the reason is its overall tone. This band’s music has an
overall laid-back tone and a noticeably steady rhythm, which is ideal for huddling together in silence and taking in the night, forgetting about the world if only for a moment.

“Tell Me I’m Alive” - All Time Low
This song is going to make laying in the sand by the ocean or lake delightful. It is a positive-sounding tune, and despite its self-critical nature, it is perfect for someone to just relax and catch some rays on the beach or even just lounge in their backyard. All Time Low has plenty of songs in their discography that fit this vibe, but this song is surely going to make someone feel more alive.
More: Sleep Token’s ‘Take Me Back To Eden’ is a masterpiece
More: Teenage Wrist’s ‘Sunshine’ is the perfect spring tune
Summer is a time of general relaxation. Thankfully, a good amount of people have the luxury of being able to take a step back and let the world fall away. Hopefully, these songs can grant more people that gift.
Below is a playlist of even more songs that fit well with the summer.