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The Eastern Echo Wednesday, March 5, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

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Review: Season 2 of 'Sweet Tooth' answers a lot of questions, and gives us new ones to ask

"Sweet Tooth" Season 2 picks up right where it left off. The brutal truth of hybrid treatment begins to take full control of the formerly cute and silly show.

"Sweet Tooth" is a fantasy show that streams on Netflix. Season 1 was released two years ago in June, and we finally have its second season, which premiered April 27.


The story of "Sweet Tooth" follows a boy called Gus (which we find out this season is an acronym) who has a genetic mutation-- Gus has deer antlers and is part of a hybrid race that began in newborn children roughly a decade before the story takes place. We as an audience see Gus struggle to make it in a world where his very existence is illegal. Fortunately, Gus has the assistance of "Big Man" Jepperd and his friends. At the end of the first season, Gus was captured. We pick up by seeing where Gus is, who's in charge, and the trials and tribulations of being rescued or escaping.


The visuals are stunning and captivating. When Gus is captured at the zoo, everything appears gray to fit the mood. When Jepp and his friends are traveling at great lengths and even breaking some of their personal boundaries, the color is back and supports the hope that the audience feels.

The show also attempts to be inclusive by having characters of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, incorporation of American Sign Language, and (limited) LGBTQIA+ characters.

We uncover more information about Birdie and get more scenes with her, even explaining how The Sick came into being and what lengths Birdie had to go to in order to keep Gus safe.


At times, the show felt too slow and uninteresting. It's important to show the world after the collapse of society, but it's also important to keep an audience's attention.

More on pacing, character development also felt rushed at times. Adi's character development went extreme and fast, showing two different sides of him in one episode before solidifying which side was going to take over for the rest of the season and possibly the rest of the series.

This is also the second to last season, so it would be great if we had more of our questions answered. There wasn't a massive cliffhanger, but it would've been more interesting to find Birdie at the end of this season even, considering that the last season ended with her talking to Bear. It feels like not a lot got accomplished and that it could've been condensed into fewer episodes.

Season Rating: 7/10

Overall Series Rating: 8.5/10