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The Eastern Echo Tuesday, March 18, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


The Wrecks reinvent pop-rock with new release "Sonder"

With their sophomore release "Sonder," The Wrecks puts a modern spin to pop rock music.

The Wrecks have been steadily climbing up the rock charts since their debut in 2016 with their single “Favorite Liar.”

When I had originally heard the pop rock band in the middle of high school and at the peak of my thick eyeliner phase, I had feared that they were going to be one of those artists who release one song and call it quits. I ended up eating my own words many years later. Now with two albums under their belt, they exceeded my expectations. 

The California band’s sophomore release is the perfect mix of indie and rock jams, putting the listener on a roller coaster of bitterness and beats that will be stuck in your head for the rest of the summer.

Album Highs 

Sonder - 4/5

Opening with a bang, The Wrecks’ title track immediately pulls in the listener. This song lyrically is for anyone who has beef with someone in their life that they feel is selfish. Musically, Sonder is easily danceable to the average listener, especially if you are into the pop rock genre. It is just heavy enough instrumentally to draw in the “Warped Tour” crowd, but also easy enough on the ears for the Average Joe to get hooked.

Unholy - 5/5

This track is easily my favorite one throughout the duration of the record. The lyrics are very relatable when it comes to talking about the ignorance of some people. The speaker in the song has clearly had it with this person being morally corrupt, and now they are taking it out in a savage way. Musically, the shifts in tone with the instrumental go perfectly with the lyrics that are tinged with bitterness. If you are going to listen to at least one song from this release, it better be this one. 

Normal - 4/5

In my humble opinion, this song hits the hardest lyrically. The lyric “I just wanna see the world like everybody else does” sums up the meaning of the song. From my understanding, this song is about the aftermath of a heartbreak, which is something that a lot of people experience in their lifetime. The only gripe I have with the song is it is musically lacking. It is not necessarily bad, but it is very easily overshadowed by the relatable lyrics. 

Album Lows

Throughout the entire record, there is plenty of lyrical repetition. Of course that is not inherently a bad thing, but there are times, particularly in the second half of the record, where it becomes too much. Otherwise, The Wrecks really put heart and soul into this release. 


This record is something that is perfect for the summer season with the steady flow of it. The Wrecks is getting better with each work, and I look forward to the future of this band.