Most people think that to become successful, they need to keep working hard all the time, which is not necessarily true. Taking a rest from work is actually an important step that you should never overlook in the process of becoming a successful person.
As they say, “Work and rest aren’t opposites like black and white or good and evil; they’re more like different points on life’s wave. You can’t have a crest without a trough. You can’t have the highs without the lows. Neither can exist without the other.”
This concept summarizes the whole idea, but why is getting adequate rest that important?
Let’s think of great scientists and writers. We notice that many of them are enthusiastic, accomplished athletes. They exercise in their resting time! Weird, you would think, but in reality, rest doesn’t necessarily mean lounging out on the couch, watching Netflix in a glassy-eyed trance. The most effective downtime also involves physical exertion, whether that’s a long walk, a hike, or a bike ride.
Restorative activities can help to balance out more brain-intensive work. Focusing on other things than your brain in your rest time makes your brain work better during work time because it takes enough breaks.
My favorite podcaster once said that many people work so hard to make a living that they even forget to live! If you look around, you will notice that many people are living that life without even noticing. No matter how excited we may feel about our businesses or each new project, a rich life also includes family, friends, exploration, and adventure, in whatever proportion you desire. Keeping that in mind will always help.
In the end, if you recognize that work and rest are two sides of the same coin, that you can get more from rest by getting better at it, and that by giving it a place in your life you’ll stand a better chance of living the life you want, you’ll be able to do your job, and your life’s work, better.