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The Eastern Echo Wednesday, March 19, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

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Review: ‘The Lost City’ will make you laugh throughout the entire adventure

‘The Lost City’ shows Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum at their funniest

The new movie, “The Lost City”, may be one of the funniest films I have seen in a long time. Sandra Bullock's comedic energy comes into full force in this film and makes it hilarious to watch. This movie feels like an early 2000s romantic bad comedy that you just love to watch over and over (even though it's bad).


Romance author Lorretta Sage writes about exotic romantic adventures but never leaves her house. While promoting her latest book with her cover model Alan, Lorreta gets kidnaped by a billionaire who believes she is the only one who can find a long-lost treasure after her romance novel revolves around this idea. Alan, determined to be more than a cover model in Lorreta's eyes, sets off to save her. The film features a star-studded cast with Sandra Bullock as Lorretta Sage, Channing Tatum as Alan, Daniel Radcliffe as Abigail Fairfax, and Brad Pitt as Jack Trainer. 

What I loved 

Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum make a perfect pair in this film. They were constantly funny and didn't have any awkward air to their relationship. In a scene toward the beginning of the film, they are meant to be this awkward author and cover model duo, but it just plays out as hilarious. I give the actors so much credit for making these lines funny and not awkward like they could've been.

The film made me laugh consistently throughout the entire thing. I was laughing at all the jokes, good, bad, and everything in between (as well as most people in the theater). I think no matter what the movie is about, if it can invoke a constant emotion from the audience, it's a good film. There was a particular scene (which is also shown in the trailer) that has Lorretta pulling leeches off Alan's butt, something that should’ve been really gross made me curl up in my seat laughing.

The plot of this film is interesting, but it doesn't really rely on being correct or even a comedy adventure film, it just leans heavily on being funny. The story does a good job at pulling you in, but I have to say overall the comedy makes you stay and enjoy the film.

What I didn't love 

They really wanted to beat this movie into the ground that it was based on a steamy romance novel. Every five seconds there was some kind of sexual reference or innuendo, so much so that it felt like a middle school lunch table. Now don't get me wrong I love a funny innuendo now and then, but every time someone says something it does not need to be one.

While some characters were funnily bad, others were cringe bad and I felt like their appearance was unnecessary. The social media manager Pratt Caprison is the biggest example of this, every time she showed up on screen I made an uncomfortable face. She was throwing weird hashtags around and trying to be “trendy”, but it just missed its mark entirely and felt too awkward to be funny. 

The overall plot is very interesting, but there's not a lot of substance to it. The movie isn't really one to look at if you're trying to get into an adventure-type film, as it relies heavily on the comedy and not so much the actual plot. Like the clues to this lost city are very broad and weird, and you question how one would even know what the symbols mean of a dead language off the top of their head.


If you want a movie that will give you a good laugh with good characters, then this film is for you. If you're looking for an adventure film that is also funny (but makes sense) I suggest seeing another film. This movie made me laugh the entire time and was worth it in my opinion to see.

I give ‘The Lost City’ a 3.5 out of 5.