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The Eastern Echo Tuesday, March 18, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

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EMU to host three free R.A.D. men’s self-defense classes

Self-defense classes are held on March 21, March 28, and April 4 from 3-6 p.m.

Eastern Michigan University will host free R.A.D. Men’s self-defense classes beginning Monday, March 21, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the REC/IM and continue for three consecutive Mondays.

Anyone who identifies as male or non-binary and is over the age of 16 is encouraged to sign up for self-defense classes through R.A.D. Those aged 16 through 17 will need a juvenile consent form and a parent/guardian’s permission.

R.A.D for Men has been offered at various times by previous instructors but hasn't gained a strong enough interest in the past to sustain a regular class. However, Joe Torres, R.A.D Instructor and EMU Police Department Sergeant, is hopeful for the upcoming self-defense classes, though enrollment is low and may be canceled if not enough people sign up. 

The program aims to educate students about legal, tactical, and realistic options for self-defense.

“It is important to understand the mechanics of conflict to ethically, legally, protect yourself when you face a sudden unexpected violent encounter,” Torres said in a written statement. “A large component is understanding risk and acknowledging how our decisions may change the circumstances of any encounter.”

Sergeant Torres has been with the police department since June 2008 and has trained and taught with R.A.D. for approximately eight years and subject control for the police department for 10 years.

“I have various certifications with R.A.D. that I have gained along the way,” Torres said. “I hold current certifications in R.A.D. Women's and Men's Basic, Women's advanced, Weapons defense, Keychain defense, R.A.D. for Teens, Replicating Adverse Dynamics (simulation), and a R.A.D. special Domestic Violence training certificate.”

“This class is a great chance for us to introduce and re-introduce self-defense options to a population of students that traditionally have not known about this opportunity,” Torres said.

Community Relations Officer Catherine Wilman and Torres will predominantly teach the classes and may use other R.A.D. certified police department personnel to assist with physical skills such as holding pads for strikes and kicks.

Classes are held on March 21, March 28, and April 4 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the EMU Rec-IM.

For more information regarding the program or for those interested in attending the classes, visit the RAD page on the EMU Police website.