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The Eastern Echo Saturday, March 22, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


Review: Quiet Place Two is a thrilling sequel

Quiet Place Part II gives us a thrilling second chapter, setting the bar for silent horror yet again.

It is rare that sequels deliver in the same way as their predecessor, especially in horror movie franchises. The Conjuring 2 was not scary in my opinion and IT: Chapter 2 was just Pennywise yelling. Sorry, but that's not horror or scary in my book. A Quiet Place Part II doesn’t rely on jump scares, weird gooey stuff, or loud noises. John Krasinski once again has set the bar on how to torture his cast and the audience with psychological silent horror. I felt like I was not on the edge of my seat for most of the film, but I still think that this second part delivers on the thrills. 

Now for this review, there might be some minor spoilers, but I won’t be the guy that ruins the whole film. I will give the synopsis, what I loved and didn't love, and then the final verdict score out of 5. So, let's dive in shall we? 


Following the events of Quiet Place, Evelyn, Marcus, Regan, and the newly born baby need to find a new home. While on the journey they come across an old family friend Emmet. Regan proceeds to crack a code that could lead the family to safety from these monsters forever. 

What I love

First off, Millicent Simmonds (Regan) was fantastic once again. She was really the lead in this film. She was out in the belly of the beast blasting these monsters. I loved that she was showing her courage throughout the film, and she remained strong even after her father's death. I love that she has her father's heart and strength to keep exploring to find a way out of this silent hell. 

Man, the movie had a lot of action. Right from the beginning of the film, we got a chase scene and the monster just caused mayhem. I loved that the film started on the very first day. I was wondering how this monster caused all this chaos and got to the town in the first place. More explosions and graphic death scenes. Could be seen as unnecessary, I felt like it was awesome. 

Just like in the first Quiet Place, the use of sound was outstanding. The feet walking on the sand, the crackling of leaves and sticks on the ground, and once again the use of water sound was fantastic. After watching movies like Sound of Metal and the first A Quiet Place, I started to appreciate sound in films. Sound can tell a story and A Quiet Place uses it so well.

John Krasinski directed and wrote this film and boy he was great. I loved the variety of camera shots that he used in this film. You can tell from the first film to this that he has grown as a director. The script felt so natural, I didn't feel like there were gaps in the script that made me second guess the character choices. This film was so good that Disney should hand the entire Marvel cinematic universe to him. Honestly, I think that would be a great idea now that I say it. Avengers 5 directed by John Krasinki has a nice ring to it. 

What I didn't love

Dude, after two movies we still don't have a name for these monsters? Maybe I am being picky here. Strangers Things got a name for their monsters in like 6 episodes. Look, I can't think of a name at the top of my head, but you get the point. I want a name for the monsters! 

I don't think this second part is as thrilling as the first. Believe me, this film was tense, but I feel like the first film had a lot more tense edge-of-your-seat moments. This film still did a great job with the thrills, I just think the first film did a slightly better job with giving me the feeling of silent fear. 

That ending was really abrupt to me. The characters go through this crazy battle, then just a sudden cut to black? I know it’s set up for the eventual part 3, I just think the ending was very abrupt and could have led us to that third part easier. 


Quiet Place Part II gives the audience a more action-packed film with a strong cast performance. John Krasinski once again shows his directing muscles. Maybe not as thrilling, but still a very good film with part 3 coming. Can't wait! 4 out of 5 Stars.