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The Eastern Echo Monday, March 17, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo


Kehlani’s (Quarantine Style) Music Videos Show That Creativity Can Flourish Just As Well When You’re Stuck At Home

All of the great new music being released lately shows that artists can continue to thrive in isolation.

R&B/pop songstress Kehlani has been getting fans super excited in preparation for the release of her second studio album. The highly anticipated LP titled It Was Good Until It Wasn't, will debut on this upcoming Friday, May 8.

Amidst the current world pandemic that I’m sure everyone is familiar with, there have been speculations about whether or not the music industry would still be able to thrive. But even with the pandemic, there’s been tons of great music released for fans, and maybe even more than before. 

The three singles Kehlani has put out for her new project definitely do not disappoint. She truly demonstrates that this unique time in history has artists poised to make unique and exciting work.

Beginning with “Toxic,” then later “Everybody Business,” and “F&MU,” Kehlani created ‘Quarantine Style’ music videos alongside each one of the new songs.

The video for “Toxic,” is full of clips of the artist dancing sensually around her bedroom in sexy outfits. She looks like she’s just comfortably having fun by herself and I think this shows her ability to be completely individualistic without a care. 

The second single she released, “Everybody Business,” is about how her life is majorly in the public eye and she is judged based on how the media portrays her, which isn’t always positive. 

The video for this song begins with people discussing her business and saying that she makes it “everybody business,” by posting things. It then switches to clips of Kehlani outside wearing a beautiful power suit. At one point, she surrounds herself with newspaper headlines about her talking about her many relationships. 

Kehlani even made a quarantine Genius video for this single to explain the lyrics. “I kind of wanted people to just understand that about me. Like I’m willing to have many public mess ups. I’m willing to look however in the face of the world you know? because it’s just me. As long as it’s genuine and it’s because I was loving extremely hard, I don’t really see anything wrong with it. I’ll learn my lesson and I’ll grow up.”

I think it's very important for everyone to recognize that famous artists like Kehlani are real people too and make mistakes just like any normal person. They can also do what they want and show what they want, without getting wrongly judged for it. 

The last video Kehlani released was for “F&MU” and is the only one filmed with another person, consisting of the two performing choreographed dances as well as sensual bed scenes. While they are definitely less than six feet apart, this is forgotten when listening to and watching this masterpiece. 

The Grammy Award-nominated artist has drastically shown her talent throughout the past weeks and I am positive it will shine through even greater once the entire album is released. It Was Good Until It Wasn’t is already #1 on ITunes Albums Charts and nobody has even heard the whole thing yet. That being said, if you haven’t already, go check out Kehlani and pre-order her new album now.