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The Eastern Echo Monday, March 17, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

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Summer A classes are fully online but EMU considers 'hybrid' classes for Summer B

While Summer A classes are fully online, EMU says that Summer B classes may be "hybrid." No official decision has been made.

While courses for the Summer A session of the Summer 2020 semester are fully online, the plan for Summer B courses remains undecided.

According to President James Smith, EMU has been considering offering hybrid courses for the Summer B session.

“When we say hybrid we mean it may start as an online but we have ‘x’ number of sessions on campus during Summer B. As you can see from the experience of this Winter semester, courses like dance and sculpture, some of our lab classes and chemistry and biology are very difficult to do online so we’re looking at some of those for Summer B to have [online] and in-person blended,” Smith said.

Summer A is 12 weeks from May 4, to June 22, and Summer B begins June 23, and concludes Aug. 10. 

EMU is offering over 650 classes in Summer 2020. Grants of $500 for one class and $1000 for two classes will be automatically applied when students register for online classes for Summer 2020. 

As of today, EMU does not anticipate to be fully online for Fall 2020.

“August and September are a long way away. We need to see how the virus protection activities like masks and gloves and things continue to lower the transmission rate,” Smith said.

Walter Kraft, EMU’s Vice President of Communications, adds that all of these decisions are dependent on the state of public health.