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The Eastern Echo Wednesday, March 26, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Student center deep fried

Secret Facebook group reveals best places to cry on EMU’s campus

Don’t let Ms. Rona stop you from searching for your next campus crying spot, we’ll all soon be together crying on campus once again.

Note: this article was published as a part of the Echo's 2020 April Fool's Day content.

Hidden on EMU’s campus are some top-tier spots to cry one out while you wait for that email back from your professor begging for an extension on your final project. And now, thanks to a secret Facebook group called “EMU places I’ve cried”, those spots are leaking to the public so that everyone can have a solid cry on campus. 

Obviously with Ms. Rona ravaging the country, you’ll have to wait until the fall to utilize these highly prized crying spots, so make sure to bookmark this page to revisit once we’re all back and crying on campus. 

Celah Convis, a junior EMU, said she created the group after seeing a similar one named “UMICH places I’ve cried”, and that since EMU students copy everything University of Michigan students do, she was inspired to keep that tradition going strong. 

“When I created this group, it was almost a hundred years ago, at the beginning of this March . . . I have seen it grow from one member to more than one member,” Convis said in an exclusive interview with the Echo.

Asked about her own favorite crying spots, Convis said that Quirk is the place to be, “As a theatre student I spend most of my time in Quirk, and have perfected the art of finding crying spots within that building,” she said. 

“My personal favorite crying spots include: the upper lobby, the lower lobby, the theatre office, the CMTA office, the projections booth of quirk theatre, backstage, and in the arms of a professor who definitely does not deserve having to deal with this today.”

For incoming freshmen, it can be scary to be in the middle of campus, the floodgates ready to burst, and yet you have no idea where you should go for the best possible cry. For these students, Convis has some advice.

"Incoming freshman should scope out areas that will suit their crying needs ahead of time so that they are not left to make last minute decisions on the verge of a breakdown,“ Convis said.

She continued, "Do you want an extremely public area where you will be ignored by everyone who passes your way? The Pray-Harrold Eagle Cafe, for your consideration. Are you more of the romantic type? Try the gazebo outside by the student center pond. Whatever place or places you choose, make it your own.”

April Fools