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The Eastern Echo Friday, March 21, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

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Advice: How turning to music especially in difficult times can be helpful

Music has the ability to give us the escape that we need.

Music is one of those things that almost everyone has the ability to connect with. Everyone might have different tastes in music, but having the ability to find love and a connection with some type of music is a bond that most form with music.

In my hardest times, I always find myself turning to music and turning to the artists and albums that I love. It is especially important to have those songs that we feel like we connect instantly with, the ones that make us feel like the things we are going through, are also being gone through by someone else who has the ability to put it into a song and turn that music into an art-form.

I have found the strongest connections in music through some of my favorite artists like Taylor Swift and Charli Xcx. The bond that I was able to form with them through the way that they tell their stories in their songs is absolutely amazing, and they have the ability to write and have songs for all different situations. The connection that I feel to them through their music is something that feels different than any other connection with art, music is always what I turn to.

If I am sad, mad, happy or stressed, I turn to music and I find that the words and the songs I connect with can always help me with what I’m going through at the moment. Especially with the current chaos of everything right now, having an escape through music is essential, and even during this time, a lot of good music is going to be written.

During these times of self-isolation people are going to start going crazy with their creativity and feel a need to get it all out because they don't have a lot of other things to do with their time. Music can be the one thing that we all still connect over while this pandemic is going.

Although the current situation has been unpredictable, and everything is constantly changing, music is still the one consistent thing that we all have in our lives and nothing is going to change that. My daily routine has been completely changed from what I am used to, but the music I listen to and the artists that I love are still very much a huge part of my life, even though everything else is different and constantly changing now.

Having a safe space like music, is like having something that makes you feel safe, even when nothing else does. When all else fails, we will always be able to turn to music, and if anything music is the one thing that has the ability to get us through everything.

So keep on listening! Keep on finding solace in the beautiful words that artists write. We can get through this, and music can help.