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The Eastern Echo

Eastern Echo Podcast: February 3, 2020

Hey Eagles, Happy Black History Month! On today’s episode, updates on the Coronavirus specimens tested in Washtenaw county, news on the police training that took place at Buell Hall, and updates on EMU’s basketball and gymnastics teams. I’m your host Liz Hornyak and you’re listening to the Eastern Echo Podcast.

Tests conducted on two specimens from Washtenaw and one from Macomb all came back negative for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. A fourth individual awaiting results displays only mild respiratory symptoms and has reported travelling the Wuhan area. According to Lynn Sutfin, Public Information Officer for the Michigan Department of Human Health Services, there are currently five confirmed cases in the U.S. However, the CDC believes there is a low immediate health risk to the general public.

On Jan. 28, EMU’s Business and Finance Committee gave student organizations a total of $4,316 for events that students and the Ypsi community can participate in. The Black Student Union, NAACP and the NPHC received $1,375 for their collaborative event: the Black Leadership Summit that will take place on Feb. 1. Model UN received $1,602 and Kings of Color received $339.19. The Business and Finance Committee has $19,146.22 left in their budget.

On Thursday, the Ann Arbor Police, Eastern Michigan University Police, and a K-9 unit could be found outside of Buell Hall. They were partaking in a planned public safety training routine. Buell Hall is not currently occupied by students. Because there was no active threat, no warning was issued to university staff, faculty or students beforehand. 

Here are the upcoming events at EMU and the Ypsi community:

On Tuesday, Feb. 4, Moments of Color will be taking place from 6-8 p.m. in the Student Center Ballroom. This event honors African American figures that have made an impact throughout history. Moments of Color is free and is LBC approved for students. For more information about this event you can contact Javier Smith at

From 7-9p.m. the Trio di Velluto Recital will be taking place at the Alexander Music Building. Jamie Lipton will be playing the euphonium, Amy Laursen will be on the horn, and Todd Cranson will be playing the tuba. This event is also free and is LBC approved. For more information you can contact Donald Babcock  at

As part of the Biology Seminar series, Michigan State University lecturer Christopher Warneke will facilitate a discussion titled: Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Plant Dispersal and Recruitment Patterns. This lecture will take place on Feb. 5, from 12:30-1:20p.m. in room 154 of the Science Complex. This lecture is free and LBC approved. For more information about this event you can contact Hannah Seidel at

Also on Wednesday, the Queer Trans People of Color Collective  and the Women’s Resource Center will present a screening of “The Aggressives” from 6-8p.m. at the Student Center Intersection. “The Aggressives” is a documentary that examines gender roles, labels, and stereotypes that are placed on women. This event is free but is exclusively for EMU students, this event is also LBC approved. For more information you can contact Ariana Khan or Joy Williams. Ariana Khan can be reached at You can reach Joy at 734-487-3632.

On Feb. 6, the Honors College is hosting “Our World Our Story: A Conversation with Jay’Len Boone from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Honors College Auditorium. Jay’Len Boone is the first African American, first generation college student to serve as the United States youth observer for the UN. This event is free and LBC approved. For more information about this event you can contact Katie Fry at

Feb. 7 is the opening night of “North Star” at Quirk-Spongberg Theatre. North Star is based in North Carolina during the Civil Rights Movement. This play is directed by EMU’S own William Bridges. Tickets cost eighteen dollars. You can purchase them by calling 734-487-2282 or by visiting the Quirk Box Office. For more information you can contact Pam Cardell at

The same evening,  the Winter Orchestra Concert will be taking place at Pease Auditorium from 7:30-9:00 p.m. This concert will showcase EMU’s symphony orchestra as well as their special guest Lucas Tittle. This event is free and LBC approved. For more information on this concert you can contact Chad Hutchinson at

On Saturday in the Mckenney Ballroom from 6-8p.m. the Eastern Michigan Gospel Choir hosts their College Night Concert: “Send the Rain!” featuring Olivet College, Western Michigan University, Dancers of David, Tyrone Judah and the Jones Sisters. This event is free and open to the public, it is not LBC approved.

On Sunday Feb. 9 don’t miss Winter Fun Fest: Hunt for the Yeti from 12-2p.m. at the Rolling Hills Metro Park. Attendees can look forward to arts, crafts and hot chocolate. Plus, whoever gets the best photo of the yeti wins a gift basket! The cost of this event is three dollars. The webpage for the event is linked on our website.

Here’s what’s going on with EMU athletics!

Our women’s track team took five titles while hosting the Can Am classic on January 25th. The team will go on a short break before competing at the Meyo Invitational in South Bend on the 7th.

The men’s team also competed and had a first-place finisher in eight of 17 events. Congrats to our track teams on their recent wins!

On the 24th, the swimming and diving team defeated the Bowling Green Falcons 206.5-93.5. The Eagles are now 2-0.

The women’s basketball team earned a win against Nothern Illinois on Jan. 23. And on Wednesday Jan 29th the team also defeated Toledo 77-62. Making the Women 5-4 so far this season. On Wednesday Feb. 5,  the Eagles will go against Ohio at the Convocation Center from 7-9p.m.

On Saturday, the men’s basketball team also defeated Toledo 61-57. The Eagles are now 1-7 in the MAC. On Tuesday Feb. 4 EMU’s men’s basketball team faces Buffalo at the Convocation Center from 7-9 p.m.

On Feb. 7 EMU’s gymnastics team challenges Northern Illinois from 6-8p.m. at the Convocation Center.

As always thank you for listening. Don’t forget to tune into our Thursday episodes and we will be back next Monday with more news and events. This is the Eastern Echo Podcast, and this is your host Liz Hornyak signing off.