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The Eastern Echo Wednesday, March 26, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Cronkite at the Studio

Today in History: April 16th

Find out what happened on this day in history.

Walter Cronkite, a pioneer broadcast journalist was the head anchor for CBS Evening News from its original launch in April 16, 1962 until his last show on the air March 6, 1981. Cronkite became a household name, a true American icon and a lead anchor during his time. 

According to Oregon.Edu, “In Cronkite’s eyes, it was his job to report the news, not what he thought of the news. Cronkite is famous not only for his impartiality and journalistic integrity but the few recorded instances of emotion he expressed on air.”

A few of his on-the-air highlights are delivering the news to America about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, reporting about the Apollo Space Program, discussing Watergate and his iconic report which influenced many to take a national stance on the Vietnam War. 

According to an independent opinion poll in 1972, Cronkite became “The Most Trusted Man In America” due his accurate and reliable reports. Cronkite provided a voice of reason and was known as “Uncle Walter” during the Vietnam and Watergate eras. 

The State Historical Society of Missouri says, “Cronkite made a point of carefully checking his sources and trying to report breaking news in a fair and impartial manner, the American public put great trust in his nightly sendoff, “And that’s the way it is.” 

From a “copy boy” for the old Houston Post to an exceptional lead anchorman at CBS, Walter Croknite made a legacy for himself and those to come. Cronkite passed away in 2009 at the age of 92.