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The Eastern Echo Thursday, March 13, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

National Catastrophe

President Donald Trump met in the Rose Garden on Friday to announce he’d declare a national emergency to get the border wall built. Declaring this national emergency would be a violation of the Constitution, as Congress is the “keepers of the purse.”

Democrats have already said a national emergency should be declared for other things. Democrats have signaled that a national emergency should be declared on and should have instant action taken on gun violence, healthcare, climate change, etc. as noted here in an interview with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) 

Declaring a national emergency over this is not a good way to go about border security and getting the wall built. It could lay a shaky precedent for what national emergencies could be declared for.

This declaration will be tied up in courts for a very long time and will be challenged heavily by Democrats. The legality of the move the president made to get funding for the wall is highly questionable.

California is suing the president over this decision stating that the president does not have the legal ability to dictate where national funds are to go and what they are to be spent on. 

The precedent laid out in this action is very dangerous and could lead to shaky and questionable leadership. Declaring a national emergency for funding a border wall is a slippery slope I don’t think most people would want to go down. I sure don’t, as it bends the constitutional rules and greatly interferes with the checks and balances of our government.

The question everyone should be asking is: What would happen if someone I didn’t like uses this action?

I believe there is a problem at the border with the Mexican drug cartel, human trafficking and sex trafficking. These issues need to be addressed but the way the president has been going about it by declaring the national emergency is something I don’t agree with.