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The Eastern Echo Monday, March 17, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Kings of Color Hosts Family Feud at EMU

The popular game show “Family Feud” was brought to life Wednesday, March 6 in Eastern Michigan University’s Student Center Auditorium by the organization Kings of Color (KOC).

The auditorium filled with students waiting for the event to begin. Each round had a team one and team two competing against each other in the same style as “Family Feud” on television. Each team got to pick a team name such as: The Jeffersons (because they’re always moving on up), like the theme song in the television show “The Jeffersons,” City Girls, Boys Period and even some that are a bit on the R-rated scale.

The rules were similar to the original show: a member from both teams would come up to the front and try to guess the highest answer from the given question and whichever person guesses the highest-ranking answer would result in his or her team starting the first round. If the answer the contestant provides is not one of the answers on the board, his or her team will receive a strike. If a team has three strikes, then the opposing team is given one chance to steal. If the opposing team answers correctly, they steal all the points the team before them made. However, if they answer incorrectly, the team gets to keep their points.

There was a total of nine rounds where each set of teams competed for a chance to go to the final round. In two of those rounds, people from the audience were given a chance to compete. The various rounds were about topics like getting in trouble from mom, different brands students on campus wear, reasons for not doing homework, reasons to call off from work and more.

Some people seemed to enjoy themselves even through the technical difficulties the student organization had but managed to fix in a hurry.

“There were too many tech(nical) difficulties and confusion from the org(anization) who was in charge but they picked it up at the end,” D’Jean Farley, a senior at EMU, said. “It was a good event, needed a better host.” 

To view more events from Kings of Color, you can follow the organization’s Twitter and Instagram @emu_kings.