Members of the Political Action Committee at Eastern Michigan University met Tuesday, Jan. 17, to discuss upcoming events. The bulk of the conversation centered on the upcoming Sexual Assault Awareness week – which starts Jan. 30.
The week of events was confirmed last year, but the Political Action Committee made some changes to the events including a signature sheet to pledge always speaking out against witnessing sexual harassment and bracelets commemorating the pledge.
Two members of student government will run a table for this activity Monday, Jan. 30, from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
A self-defense course taught by campus police officer Candace Dorsey is planned for Tuesday, Jan. 31. Last year, the class was only open to women, but will be open to everyone regardless of gender this year.
Wednesday, Feb. 1 will offer a Sexual Assault 101 class. Last year’s event featured a “Yes Means Yes” course focused on the importance of consent. Sexual Assault 101 is meant to encompass both that concept and the basics of sexual assault awareness and prevention, including its raw definition, how to know its happening and how to prevent it.
In addition to the course, “Yes Means Yes” tee shirts will be given to students who correctly answer trivia questions regarding sexual assault awareness.
The movie “It Happened Here,” a documentary on sexual assault on campuses, is planned for Thursday, Feb. 2.A discussion will be held after the movie regarding the movie’s contents and the issues it presents.
Other events beyond Sexual Assault Awareness week in consideration are Bollywood Night, March 25, and a drag queen show, April 10, which will be discussed at future Political Action Committee meetings.