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The Eastern Echo

News Briefs, Nov. 1

Actress Bellamy Young campaigns for Hillary Clinton at EMU

Actress Bellamy Young, famous for her role as First Lady and Sen. Mellie Grant in the television series "Scandal," campaigned for Hillary Clinton at Eastern Michigan University's McKenny hall on Sunday, Oct. 30.

One of the points that Young highlighted was how Hillary Clinton will build an economy that works for everyone and not just those at the top. Young also pointed to Clinton's words in the final presidential debate that, "It's really up to all of us to demonstrate who we are and who our country is and to stand up and be very clear about what we expect from our next president, how we want to bring our country together, where we don't want to have the kind of pitting of people one against the other, where instead we celebrate our diversity, we lift people up and we make our country even greater. America is great because America is good."

Young isn't the first to campaign for Hillary Clinton at EMU; Mae C. Jemison, physician and first African-American woman sent into space, came to EMU in early October to discuss the importance of voting and to show support for the Democrat candidate. Sen. Cory Booker also came to EMU on Oct. 10 to encourage voter registration and to show full support for Hillary Clinton.

Voting for this year’s presidential election starts on Nov. 8, with the primary voting location at the EMU Honors College.

$10,000 reward posted for information on subjects involved in bank robbery

Huntington Bancshares Inc., which owns First Merit Bank, posted a $10,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of those responsible for the Oct. 18 bank robbery of First Merit Bank on South Grove Street in Ypsilanti.

The robbery occurred at 10:48 a.m. as two subjects entered the location in all black and wearing masks, armed with handguns. An amount of U.S. currency was taken by the subjects, who fled the area in a red Oldsmobile. The vehicle was recovered a short distance away unoccupied and was found to have been stolen from another city.

The descriptions of the subjects are two males between 5 feet 6 inches and 5 feet 8 inches tall, weighing between 160-170 pounds.

Suspects may have commandeered another vehicle, described as a newer model Dodge Charger that is silver in color. Investigators from the Ypsilanti Police Department, the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are still investigating.

If you have any additional information regarding this case please contact Lt. Deric Gress at 734-482-9847 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-SPEAKUP (773-2587).

MLK Presidential Luncheon Committee seeking two masters of ceremony for event

The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Presidential Luncheon Committee for 2016-17 is seeking two students to serve as this year’s MLK Presidential Luncheon Masters of Ceremony.

The luncheon is part of a lineup of events to commemorate Dr. King and will mark the 31st MLK celebration at EMU. Each year the planning committee chooses a theme for the lineup of events; last year's theme "And Justice for All?" aimed to challenge misconceptions about equity, fairness and opportunity for all in the United States.

If selected, students will have the opportunity to engage a large crowd of more than 400 people and enjoy lunch as the special guest of EMU president James M. Smith.

Qualifications for potential candidates include active involvement within the EMU community, a friendly disposition, excellent oral skills and a natural stage presence. Top candidates will receive information for phase two, which includes an in-person interview and dry-reading of the script between Nov. 16-18.

Candidates interested in the MLK Presidential Luncheon must submit their resume by Nov. 8 to MLK Presidential Luncheon Co-Chairs Gregory Thomas at or Amber Morseau at