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The Eastern Echo Monday, March 17, 2025 | Print Archive
The Eastern Echo

Police blotter, July 23

Thursday, July 14

  • Eastern Michigan University’s Department of Public Safety assisted the Ypsilanti Police Department in the arrest of an armed man on the corner of Washtenaw Avenue and Ballard Street. The man was arrested at 2:48 a.m. on a bench warrant.
  • A mother flagged down a passing police car at 10:14 p.m. when her seven year old son went missing in a park at the corner of Cross and Hamilton Streets. DPS and YPD searched the entire neighborhood. The boy was found safe shortly afterwards. According to DPS, he had simply gone to his grandmother’s house.

Friday, July 15

  • A non-student driving on a suspended license was pulled over at the corner of Oakwood and Mayhew Streets during a simple traffic stop at 12:57 a.m. Friday, July 15. The man reportedly gave a false name and was cited for driving with a suspended license.
  • DPS helped YPD search for a domestic violence suspect Friday. The 51 year old man was arrested on West Cross Street at 1:19 a.m. The non-student was then taken to the Washtenaw County Jail. YPD has submitted charges to the Washtenaw County Prosecutors’ Office.

Reported crime took a dry spell over Eastern’s community from July 16 to 19. DPS made a number of bench warrants, which the Eastern Echo does not cover unless they are part of a larger crime.

Wednesday, July 20

  • At 1:42 a.m. on Wednesday, July 20, a DPS officer was on patrol and turned the corner onto Washington Street. Someone ran out of a barber shop on the street and flagged the officer down. Inside the shop the officer found a man with a gun, naked except for an apron, holding an unspecified number of other people inside hostage. The officer called for backup and attempted to deescalate. In the end, officers from the Ypsilanti police arrested the man while DPS officers blocked all exits. The crime has been classified as a kidnapping according to the EMU Crime Log. When asked if the man in question was suffering a psychological problem, the EMU spokesperson declined to comment. The man was arrested for using a fire arm to commit a crime and will be “facing other charges.”

Thursday, July 21

  • DPS went to check out two people reported arguing loudly in College Place at 3:16 a.m. The two non-students were separated and one of them was driven home to deescalate the situation.
  • A car was pulled over at the corner of Huron and Lowell Streets at 6:51 p.m. for a simple traffic stop. Officers say that “probable cause” was used to search the car and paraphernalia was found. The non-student driving was issued a citation.
  • There were two passengers in the car that was pulled over at the corner of Forest and Huron Streets at 10:36 p.m. Neither were EMU students. The driver was issued a citation for driving with a suspended license. The passenger was arrested on a bench warrant.